why the fuck did CMT delete this?!
why the fuck did CMT delete this?!
this is some karla homolka / paul bernardo type shit.
exactly. they all kind of borrow the same little images from each other, and in kanyes case, a big image, let the record state i love lemonade, but it does have these same little images as this guy does. so, not enough to warrant a lawsuit, but enough to look twice and say hmm.
shes been known to lift here and there. everyone does it, they just get “inspired” and make it their own. i think its been referenced but not enough for a law suit.
ehhhh. theres some bits here and there that look pretty close.
i wish i could go kick my own ass for being so purposefully hideous.
“find one that works for him” is the new “go back to africa”
ugh, ill take your over plucked brows (which i had too) and raise you over-hairsprayed short hair with several butterfly clips, too much shimmery cheap bronzer, weird color glossy lipstick, too heavy mascara leading to spider eyelashes, black shrunken jacket with white collared shirt (valet-chic?!). why did i think i…
open toe but still pretty cool
swastika, right?
looks like they form a swastika real quick-like, doesn’t it?
hahah, i thought it looks like they quickly form a swastika.