
I don’t know why, but I can’t stop giggling when I read “I’ve made a terrible mistake.” +1

I’m convinced nobody knows how to write articles anymore.

ALSO - from a person with a severe immunodeficiency - thanks to all who vaccinate. Along with keeping yourself safe, you keep me safe too.

I’m not going to defend texting-and-driving, but that’s a dumb game. To say that nobody is changing lanes that frequently might sound like I’m missing some larger point, but really, nobody is doing anything that frequently while driving a car. If you were, you’d be crashing into something every time you changed the

came here for this, was not disappointed. David Mitchell is my spirit animal

Don’t speak.

Even without audio, watching one of the soldiers realize what’s about to happen and drop his weapon - Priceless!

I applaud her owning she doesn’t know enough about the problem. But simply pointing out that you dont understand why while still grasping that there is a problem is not enough for a president.

I just did quite the Criterion Samurai buy. Aside from Seven Samurai, I got Throne of Blood (which is Macbeth meets samurai), The Hidden Fortress (the Blu-only re-issue due next month; also a big part of the basis for Star Wars), Rashomon (which is a samurai detective story?), and Yojimbo/Sanjuro (people loved Seven

Not to go off on a tangent, but that was some stellar insight on the Babylonians part. They were certainly ahead of the curve.

That’s almost exactly what my wife and I decided last night. A foundation for relatives and friends, a Super Pac for politicians we like, and several millions to Planned Parenthood because fuck conservatives.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a giant Xmas gift to geeks because it gave them something massive and new to worship, overly examine, conjecture upon and fight about, which are the things we love most.

Hahaha I had this same thought. “Bombing? With X-Wings? HA!”

More importantly not all rapists are men. While men make up the vast amount of convicted sex offenders, it’s hard to know how much women make up of the percentage of perpetrators of sex crime.

agreed - but my original comment may not be 100% serious

Meanwhile, in Canada, our new Defense Minister is sworn in;

Boba Fett is the Kim Kardashian of the Star Wars universe.

You were bored by City of Lost Children ?!?!?

Ever since Michelle Yeoh pulled her sword stroke after Ziyi Zhang’s childish arrogance killed Yun-Fat Chow, I’ve been a member of Michelle Yeoh’s Army.

I feel odd recommending it because it's based on a short story, but Shadowrun is on the list, so fuck that: "I have no mouth and I must scream" is the most dystopian setting I can think of. An evil, close to almighty AI terrorizes the group of last surviving humans for hundreds of years. That setting makes the Matrix