
Yeah, that is why I switched off of it too. Been using cloud magic but that is too simplistic.

Holy crap, right! I can’t get over how lackluster they have become. But I can’t stand OneNote.

Ok - I must admit that I thought I was going to return mine after a day. But TrueTone is pretty awesome. For reading or writing (with the Apple Pencil - which is also pretty solid), it can’t be beat. The screen no longer feels like it is destroying my eyes. Finally, I feel like I could read technical papers for hours

This game is not a great representation of reality. The two tasks don’t match true behavior. People are not changing lanes every second, especially not jumping from 1 to 6 every time they receive a new text. Second, autocorrect and muscle memory removes the need to look at a keyboard. Also, most of the time our text

Yojimbo and Sanjuro are some of my favorite movies. However, the written short story of Rashomon is amazing - the film is great too but you really should seek out the story first.

OK - some noob questions:

Interesting... I also realized it was satire within the first few minutes (haha - I am so smart... naw just was suspicious). I had read Starship Troopers and hated it; while I loved the movie.

Ahem, my unsolicited recommendation for your next interruption: Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.... Like you, I was once following a chain of great games interrupting each other till I found it... One of my all time favorite games.

Totally agree with the “just works” BS - no, there are major bugs and the fix is often obfuscated behind non-sensical menu trees. I would never argue Apple is better in terms of robustness.

Not to diminish your opinion but nearly every scientist I know (myself included) uses a Mac or Linux box... The scientific computing stack has (is?) heavily swung towards Unix based machines. I am not an Apple fanboy but I want a quality laptop that works seamlessly with my server stack (mostly Python / Scipy / Scikit

Totally fair. I usually try to pre-empt those I think I will annoy with a apology and vague explanation. Having a hyper individual next to you is no fun!

Yikes - I hope that wasn’t me... I have a nerve disorder and have to think very hard to stop my legs from shaking (occasionally even while standing). I try to be polite but, man, sometimes I can’t help it.... I am shaking my whole computer table as I type this....