
A company that can spend 7 billion a year on content.

Fuck. This site was how I first played Fantasy Football. Admittedly, it was technically through the Gameological Steam group, but it still counts for me.

And for the love of god, don't moralise if the economics of the Democrats doesn't match your personal brand of economics. There are fucking Nazi-apologists controlling the GOP. This isn't the time to complain about income tax.

Whatever happened to Sarah Chalke? She should be on more things. This is also true for Alyson Hannigan.

HIMYM had far more influence from the serialised dramas that had taken over premium cable at the time that it started; not to mention the heavily serialised nature of Arrested Development. Meanwhile, Seinfeld and Friends came out after the era of the prime-time soap, and before the Cable TV drama. At this point, the

Politicians are never perfect. Just remember view things in the context of the role, where morals have to get bent for stupid reasons.

NZ Netflix has it. Anyway, I doubt that Netflix cares that much about the movie rights, since they're just throwing money at anything they can get their hands on. It's at least how I assume they ended up with the international distribution rights for a show that AT&T funds.

Sure, I'll watch the first three seasons.

Don't worry, they'll grab one from FNC's vats.

Not if you're Elizabeth Warren. Maybe that explains who's behind the hack.

But Game of Thrones only has leverage for four weeks.

Why not both?

Settle down Elizabeth Warren.

You know what, I'll at least keep a eye on this. Starz can make a show, so that front's fine. As for Meyer, she may be a terrible writer, but she can come up with (then waste) one hell of a concept. Seriously, if someone good had free reign on The Host, I'd watch it.

The fact that Lindsay Graham voted for it after being promised by Paul Ryan that the House would not vote on it is simultaneously hilarious and completely idiotic.

From what's been said, you're probably not that far off.

The thing is that universal coverage differs wildly from one country to another. So you can get Britain on one hand with NHS. You can also get Germany on the other with an insurance system that actually isn't that far off what Obamacare is (but with a public option to keep costs down, and a far stronger safety net for

In that case, I think that it's time to waste some of Sheldon Adelson's money.

It would impress nobody. It would also not make anybody despise you.

That's why you can abstain.