
From a purely political perspective, why didn't he just abstain? McCain already killed it, and he's basically ensured a blue pick-up in an increasingly blue state thanks to a strong union. It's so daft.

Only if you Attitude sees an Adjustment.

Oh it would be nice if that happened. Instead, a candidate has to be found that can both inspire the left-flank, and can convince the moderates that they won't burn down the country. So far, there has been one person that fits that bill, and you can't bring back Obama.

In a world where PPV is behind a cheaper pay-wall than the weekly show is, it kind of makes sense to lock the big stuff behind the weekly show.

Manservant valet doesn't work? Someone hasn't seen Dalton Castle.

I blame the name. It's just not a name that sticks around.

Are the catalogues always as they are now, or can new stuff be added? If it's the latter, it's PS4 or Xbox One every time.

Spain is barely a country.

That was far too charming then it has any right to be. The fact that they used the good Ed Sheeran song also doesn't hurt.

No need to shit on El Rey. They have Lucha Underground, and that's fantastic.

I've just conceded that this show exists outside of time and space.

Apparently, the Scottish Conservative Party is not run by crazy people, and the woman that runs it ran on a bunch of different stuff.

Because Labour had an old Socialist that seemed out of touch in Jeremy Corbyn, and she was sitting around the high 40's in the polls. Since elections are elections though, Corbyn used his decades of railing against the powers that be, and ran a great campaign. Meanwhile, May looked like an inept buffoon.

come on now, Bill's too busy on PornHub.

Oh Uber, how are you a real company. Seriously; you make no money, venture capitalists cover a good chunk of (shitty) wages for drivers, and Detroit and Silicon Valley are plotting to freeze you out of the market that could actually make a profit.

Just be happy that you're getting the response saved for white people.

They're also gits with their heads up their asses. They always were gits with their heads up their asses. That's what made them into the elder statesmen and last "true" rock stars.

I'm also still allowed to snark about the Gallaghers, right? I mean, that's half the point of them existing.

For network. For premium cable; where Starz' highest ratings ever are 2.1 million for Power, and HBO struggles to get over 1.5 million for everything that isn't Game of Thrones, that's fantastic. That's before we get to streaming, where the end-goal is to build a library that people will find decades in the future.