
So yesterday, I signed up for Xbox Game Pass. Now I suddenly have 100 games to pick from and have no clue what to actually play. So I figured that if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to suggest them to me.

He's now a Representative in the US House. This is where we are folks.

Well I think that I heard the rumor on NeoGAF; so at the very least, this rumor is entertaining the internet.

I'm not sure either.

That's not the crazy part. The crazy part is that her next album is apparently going to be a concept album about the Russian occupation of Chechnya.

Well how do you expect him to learn anything when he's too busy shunting the Prime Minister of Montenegro?

To be fair, it definitely didn't help.

So it's Yen, but with less anime.

They're too busy doing power rankings of Bachelorette candidates or whatever. This is now happening at every sports blog.

Sheer fun Rock n' Roll is still being made and refined upon, it just doesn't make the Pop charts. One of my favourite delights in the past few years was discovering The Joy Formidable on this site, and in particular, the cacophonic delight that was Whirring.

They're very much a single band, so you're not losing much. In all honesty; in this world where albums are on a level that we haven't seen since the 70's, it's kind of relieving to see acts that pump out great singles.

At least you've got a better first album brought on the day of release than me. I've got U2's No Line on the Horizon. While there is some great stuff on there (Moment of Surrender, I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight); boy is there some pure garbage on there.

I've just conceded that there is a twenty percent chance of weird famous people becoming crazy libertarians. Case in point; Vince Vaughn and Kane.

There are so many chances for a better world. Unfortunately, the world is cruel and full of spiders, so this happens.

Because it's the least bad place to talk about the NFL on a daily basis.

It's more that we focus on the outliers, and forget that the overwhelming majority of major events are perfectly safe.

Not really. After all, for every event that does get attacked, thousands will happen that don't. We just hear about the one that does.

And if it turns out that a non-minority did it, they will go radio silent. Case in point; Quebec City.

And to make matters worse, the UK is in election season. This is just going to make shit worse.

And now Seth Rich's family gets to experience this shit. Fuck anyone who helped this become a thing.