
GTA is too passe and broad to have problems with any more (it also didn't hurt that the last one was kind of bad). This is very specific, and has two targets in cults and the militias in these Western states. Since FNC and Breitbart love those, it will get some reaction.

This world's too dark for purity.

Well as a person from foreignland, it's truly a baffling saga to see played out. I'm at the point where I bounce between this being a mortifying horror and a hilarious comedy of errors. One hour, the perpetrators are tearing apart the most powerful nation on earth, and turning it into a 1984esque dystopia. One hour

The thing that I keep coming back to is that Jinder is truly the first Capital H Heel since possibly JBL back in 2004. Since then, heels have basically just been Stone Cold, but bad. The fact that I actually want to see someone kick his ass is truly refreshing. Contrast this with Seth Rollins; who I was hoping would

I'm just happy that we got the Orb out of it.

Hey, it's the guy that was unbearable on the in-game radio in Far Cry 4.

Jinder Mahal: Because meming a guy to the top has worked sooooo well.

You know, The AV Club turned into a Teenybopper Club so gradually, I didn’t even notice.

The fact that Alyson Hannigan got banished to the darkest corners of television is truly a shame. She should be carrying a prestige drama or comedy, not be stuck hosting Penn & Teller.

You know what, I really liked Chained to the Rhythm. Sure, it had the political acumen of a fourteen year old that is about to discover Socialism, but that beat was fantastic. It also didn't hurt that you would've all lost your minds in 1994 if Trent Reznor sang a lyric like Dance to the Distortion.

That's what Watties told me as a kid.

Quick note: spaghetti on a home-made pizza is a thing in New Zealand. I don't know if it's a good thing, but it's sure a thing.

No, he's announced his entry into the Royal Rumble for the right to face Trump at

Meanwhile, for us on the center-left, today is a good day. Sure, there's no time to rest, but it's still nice to see sanity prevail. I might be able to say that I like globalisation and Neoliberalism again.

So because I got into the free preview for that Xbox Netflix thing that's coming out in a few months, I played Gears of War (the remastered version). As a guy that never really got into the series when it was new, I was surprised how much of a blast that I had with it.

O'Riley really hit all of the buttons, to the point that I was surprised that there wasn't a mythical wage gap remark in there.

Peak TV's great. I can stumble upon some show about a polyamorous couple on Netflix, then watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine, followed up with Ian McShane being Ian McShane, then finish up with some dope Anime.

Well Reddit's spun that into a theory that suggests that we're getting another album on Sunday, so let's see what happens.

Well he was a little boy with big boy dreams.