
No, were going the return of MacPhisto.


That's a very specific ugly however. This is a different, more boring, not as endearing ugly.

So we're getting the fucking t-shirts, right?

No, Gen-Z is the worst, with their hope for the future and adoration for brands. Millennials are the second worst.

Well at least there are things like Dragon Ball Super; which I am enjoying, warts and all.

Falafelgate? That sounds even stupider than the War on Christmas.

Gen-Z's a bunch of wide-eyed teenagers right now. They haven't been down by society yet. That tends to change people.

Yeah, but those cheers don't count because it's backwards day, remember?

Well she basically broke her neck in 2015. It sounds like this surgery is related to that.

I'm actually kind of relieved that I have things to do during the show, since it means that I can just watch the parts that I want to watch after the fact.

At least you're not in New Zealand, where it's on at 10 am on a Monday. As a result, I'll be watching it after the fact, skipping all of the bullshit.

I keep looking at it, and I keep thinking that a screwy win for Miz and Maryse (with the soon to be engaged couple getting their heat back immediately) is the best option. The Fed gets the the moment that they need, Nikki goes out well, and the socialites in a cyberpunk dystopia can then go off and give Miz a good

Don't forget that his run with Vickie is what got her over as what Stephanie should actually be. It also didn't hurt that he was also having a great feud with Taker too.

Just supply a few boxes of Faygo, and be there in spirit.

As a Packer fan, getting to watch Bears fans react to the 2016 season sounds fantastic. I hope that we get to watch them watch the Green Day/Dallas playoff game.

My favourite time was when Mars Rover footage was scrapped due to a Filipino TV station claiming Content ID on it.

September 17 says Google.

But how are they going to keep us alive in a dreamstate while using us for energy?

Well we all know that all clowns are inherently evil; it's just a degree of their evil.