
No, guns are dumbass kids before they get shipped off to war. Once they've done a tour or two and done some damage, they come back as alcoholics with PTSD.

This is the AV Club. History says that they'll get to it by Tuesday.

I always saw Juggalos as more of the stabbing types than the shooting types. Eh, still works.

So you're that tech asshole that turns it into a six figure corporate retreat?

Juggalos are the heroes that we need in these trying times.

No, they're going to make wrestling fans look like fucking chumps, because the WWE needs to remind us how shitty they are. Fuck this company.

I'm just sad that that leak presented a world where Big E isn't fucking everything available to him at all times, thus making Big E not be wrestling Prince.

Say that when they shoehorn fucking Hogan with The New Day.

I've heard it described as the Attitude Era on Anime.

I'm just happy that another wrestling promotion can perform at the Tokyo Dome.

We'll see how true that is in a few weeks.

I have to disagree there. That match that he had with Okada at Wrestle Kingdom back in January was truly something special, and has basically guaranteed that the WWE will throw AJ money at him in due course. I mean. Meltzer gave that match six stars.

I've grown a severe detestment for the ones that think that compromise is a four letter word. Then again, I did get called a neoliberal shill for thinking that the TPP wasn't the worst thing to ever be thought of.

Because he doesn't fill the airwaves with his opinions, just dumb jokes. This is also true for Charles Barkley.

If only he had robot knees.

Well all Australians are inhuman scum, so they don't count. This also explains Kyrie Irving.

Living in a country with proportional representation is lovely.

Well to be fair, we've never really seen athletes as a repository of knowledge. While there are of course exceptions (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), he's very much a deviation from the norm.

I still find it crazy how much they've taken on that lie. I remember a CNN (I think) piece where they interviewed some auto workers, and they adored the new automation. Meanwhile, they're convinced that the immigrants are job sucking leeches that are only there for themselves, and hate America. I'm just trying to

And if you are a Medieval Franciscan Friar, are you one of the fun ones that make booze?