
Or just ask them why all southern hemisphere flights don't take 30 hours (especially Kyrie "I'm from Australia" Irving)

Ratings are down (as you'd expect), but it still gets good enough ratings to justify its existence.

Well you're never getting that payoff again

Yes. It was great. It also ended three years ago.

You know what, I'd watch a David Simon helmed reboot of Buffy.

Actually don't start with Doppelgangland, that led to my sister spoiling Willow's big change in Season 4.

I'm still getting over this concept that things other than SNL exist.

I'm not 18. I just can't do that anymore.

Hey now, Heel Usos are actually interesting. Still can't tell which is which though.

I just want to say that "The Fly" is my go to wrestling entrance song. That drum at the beginning would be such a good sting to signify who you are before the song gets going. The fact that the song has a fantastic beat doesn't hurt either.

Just because a shitty guy is dead doesn't make him a shitty guy.

If you told me that John Waters died twenty years ago, and this current one is a series of body doubles, I'd believe you.

Hey now, they've got room for the six rich minority people that will affirm their beliefs.

I'm more an I Love I Love I Love films guy.

Are we Talkin' 'bout Turtle?

I learned a long time to not to trust anyone that looks like a Final Fantasy villain.

Well if you have a music streaming service, then YouTube Red is what you want. Not only does it make the YouTube ads go away, but they also throw in Google's music streaming service (which exists).

I just want a "pay to get rid of the ads option" here. I'd gladly pay two bucks or so a month or something if it makes the recommended links go back to the Soviet Gulag that they clearly came from.

I found that so long as you stick to the commentary, it was fucking fantastic. I'm still personally annoyed that more people didn't check those parts out just for Mike Yard. That man is a delight.

Yes, it is a slap in the face that so much good talent is not getting what they deserve. Unfortunately, we have to clear space for the failed Falcon to wrestle the failed Viking.