
If you remember that WrestleMania isn't really for us, them it makes far more sense. They want the casual audience to know that AJ matters, and they want him to be a part of a moment that will be remembered. Now Shane is a name that the casual audience remembers, and the guy can sure take a battering.

I'm pretty sure that they already did that.

Cool. How is your sex life.

If I'm going Mexican, I'm going for the lemonade of beers, Corona.

But even then, Vince had already seen his arrogance blow up in his face with his attempt to do to Bodybuilding what he did to Wrestling. In fact, watch the 1992 WBF Championship (which I linked below). It is truly something to behold.

You know that Vince wouldn't foot up for the proper music.

Say what you will about Extreme, but I'll take Extreme Pasta over the irony and memes that we have to suffer through now.

For me at least, I just always come back to the fact that a truly obscene number of wrestlers from the 80's and 90's heydays of wrestling are dead (I'm pretty sure that this pattern will eventually make it to the aughts, and wouldn't be surprised it it gets to this generation of talent). It's why part of me believes

The funniest one was in the ECW documentary that they did; where the WCW was stealing ECW talent, but the WWF was giving them a bigger platform to perform on.

Yet they completely forget to bring up the monopolistic business practices, and the many dead wrestlers. Well done Congress, you've done it again.

The German Communists had no problem punching Nazis back in 1927.

The annoying thing is that they finally made an Android version a few years back, and it had a keyboard. Unfortunately, the market had moved on by then, so it flopped.

I'd personally go for Duke Lacrosse, because that entire debacle is such a mess, and it provides no easy heroes to root for.

Rock has and will keep going for eons. You just have to be willing to look outside of the top 40, and be willing to look for the gems. Had I not done that, I wouldn't of found acts like The Joy Formidable and Laura Stevenson, who just make damn good rock (Whirring may be my favourite song ever). I also need to give

Just wait for the inevitable price drop in a year or so. You'll get it for less, you'll get more games, and you're not going to run out of stuff to play on other systems. Also, Breath of the Wild isn't going anywhere.

Because Trump requires part of it to be gold.

Yeah, I can wait for a price drop. Then again, I'm in that magical place called "Not the US, Canada, or Japan", so I don't have a price for it to be dropped from in the first place yet.

OK, why am I only seeing that Hitman video now? That thing is moderately incredible (and features that John Lennon song in a way that I don't despise).

Oh Colonialism, the moment in history that most makes you question the decency of the human race. The worst part is that even though Germany committed some heinous acts here, they're still one of the least horrifying empires of the time. Hell, when New Zealand (as Britain's proxy) took Samoa off of Germany after WWI,

Well the honest truth is messy. Firstly, you need to remember that for all of the "US vs. Them" rhetoric that comes with this topic, the main driver to end all of this came from the people living under the Iron Curtain. If they didn't want it to end, it wouldn't have. Also remember that attempts to get out from under