
Wait, you do know that electors are supposed to vote for the candidate that gets the most votes, right? The electors in Washington and Hawaii that didn't vote for Hillary are literally ignoring what the voters of their respective states said.

But I don't want to be the miserable fuck at parties. That being said, I don't drink for the taste. Then again, I'm also an adamant defender of Budweiser (at least in comparison to European drinks).

Does Full Frontal actually count as a Late Night show? After all, it's in a Prime Time slot.

That's because the WWE is "just wrestling". The NFL is more "real', so it gets more attention. It's a shame, because WWE wrestlers don't get health insurance for fucks sake.

We'll the load times have been fine so far, so take that as you will.

Wait, that thing has Friend Codes? Why?

So thanks to Microsoft giving it away for free, I started playing Lost Odyssey, and while I'm just getting out of the first hub city; I can already tell that I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. It also had my first dream sequence, and I can tell that this is going to make me feel things. It's also the first

It's also worth watching the AFL miniseries from a few years ago. You can tell that he's having a blast talking about that era of football.

Just move to Virginia. Either that, or move to Georgia or North Carolina to get them over the hump.

Well if I'm going to look like an idiot, that's a preferable outcome to cause it. Now let's just hope that Aaron Rodgers isn't broken.

Well it's better than their current name and (especially) logo. If it weren't for Dan Snyder being a Captain Planet villain, that logo would face more scrutiny.

Apparently tiegate was just a smokescreen for Cam taking some of his team-mates to a strip club. This made this far more mundane and boring.

That Pittsburgh-Giants game showed us how bad the Giants are. I really don't see Detroit falling to that side (no matter how much I want 3li to be a thing).

I'm by and large in favour of Thursday Football. That game now has me believe that only terrible teams should play in the Thursday slot.

I just double checked the stats. While the decrease isn't as big as I felt like it was, there is a noticeable decrease in key players stat-wise.

I'm pretty sure that Todd Bowles is a good coach. It's just that there's only so much that you can do with their shit-show at QB.

Was more referring more to the key players. I didn't really phrase that well.

I'm hoping that Dalvin Cook falls to us, or that we can get Christian McCaffrey in round 2.

You assume that I have time in the morning to heat my oven. I just take a shower, get dressed, have some toast, then out the door.

Sometimes I want cheese, but I don't want to feel like a bum that's just eating cheese. It also doesn't hurt that it's more filling when I'm hungry and need to go to bed.