
In Packer talk, we got back to 6-6. This however will probably not last as the Seattle Seahawks are coming to town, and their offence will go through ours like a big dumb dog through a poorly made fence. So assuming that happens, and Detroit beats a Chicago side that isn't trying, we're going to be 6-7 and be three

Get ready for a parade.

Seeing what they've done to professional wrestling makes me so happy that a thriving indie scene is finally starting to take form (especially in Britain). I just hope that it can survive the WWE's attempts to crush it.

Don't worry. Unless you're up to date on your labour relations in professional wrestling, this is all going to seem like mush. Just know that Trump's head of the SBA is almost certainly illegally claiming that it's wrestlers are independent contractors in order to avoid supplying proper health care (and many other

The worst part is that NC is in the middle of that state, so it makes travel easy. The Big Ten is also guilty of this holding their next tourney in DC for some reason. Furthermore, the one after that's in New York.

Bro Country is the ideal response to anyone that says that a genre must interact with other genres. It's like someone deliberately choose the most vapid and empty parts of the two genres and mushed it into a jorts and bling dressed abomination.

I think that we can all agree that she is literally the best, and is far better than what this shitty world deserves.

How did that piece of crap "7 Years" get nominated for anything? The instrumentation is only interesting enough to stop you immediately changing the station, the vocals are bland, and the lyrics are plain garbage. Just watch this video that explains what I said far better than I can.

Thank you for letting me know that "grammarian" is a word.

The fuck is wrong with South Dakota. And Oklahoma. And Michigan.

What it feels like is one of those special editions of an album that comes out twenty years after the actual album, with a whole bunch of extra crap on a second disk to get you buy the damn thing. Someone then uploaded it all to a computer, then hit shuffle.

Well regular Ikea's playing the long game so far as trying to kill you; so you be the judge as to which play is more evil.

While I didn't get much time to play anything (funerals/family reunions will do that to ya), I did get to play Titanfall 2, and boy is it good. There's just something immensely satisfying about the core combat loop, where all of the component parts combine to make a kinetic, furious gameplay on foot, while the Titans

Get to the evil Ikea level. That's when the game hits it's stride.

Now that I think about it, the Fourth World seems like a good place to be for the next four years.

I'm just going to pretend that that movie doesn't exist and watch Heavenly Creatures again.

My dad became trans a few years back. Let me just tell you now that you're never going to stop stumbling over pronouns. I'm just happy that I can just keep using dad.

Just remember that there's a real chance that 2016 is just the appetiser to 2017. I need a stiff drink or six.

Which is still annoying, because he will pull out some magic on command if he needs to.