
Don't jinx it.

I actually liked Joe Buck's commentary. Most commentators would of needed to blabber on at the end of that. Buck just let that moment breathe.

I thought that he was an Oakland fan?

Lord forbid if the White Sox win.

I just want more Phil Simms Poetry.

Well did you hear that the Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead?

Well being that one of those teams are the Cronulla Sharks, that was ironic. Then again the salty NZ Warriors fan in me doesn't like being supporting the teams that's gone the longest with zero titles.

And don't think that this is just contained to America; not only did English soccer get a new champion in Leicester City, but the two Australian sports leagues saw their "lovable" losers actually win.

Was that a loophole so the speech can be classified as being longer? If so, that pretty clever (until it inevitably gets called out on).

Wait, Wolf Blitzer has a pre-CNN history? I always assumed that CNN grew him in an attempt to create the ideal version of a vapid, yet bizarrely authoritative news person.

Good to hear. If you want some non-political podcasts, feel free to ask.

Obama's basically locked in as the Democratic Reagan. It's going to be fun to watch Democrats try and name all of the things after him.

In far more interesting political news, South Korea. For those out of the loop, it turns out that the president of South Korea Park Geun-hye is a puppet for a cult leader, and basically everything that she does (so far as what she wares) is decided by this cult leader, Choi Soon-sil (some people say that this cult

All 15 year olds are dumb assholes. The proper way to figure them out is to plot them on the dumb asshole spectrum.

I'm curious as to how much school size plays into this. I went to seven schools over my years in school, and I feel like I saw far more integration at the smaller ones. In fact, the most integrated one that I went to was the Catholic High School that I attended (although New Zealand Catholic school is completely

I get the appeal of electronic voting, but you really don't want that. There's just too many ways that it can go horribly wrong, due to its use of the internet. Just stick with good old paper, and you'll be fine.

Pencil? Here in the best colony, we use orange felt pens.

It's YouTube comments; the only part of the internet where downvotes makes a comment more visible. Stay safe, and avoid YouTube comment like the plague.

3 hours? Here in New Zealand, I just go to the local school or church, wait a couple of minutes, vote, and am done. That sounds terribly fucked.

I was hoping that he'd touch on the debacle that is South Korean politics right now, because that's far more interesting than this FBI nonsense.