
Well there is that time where he was more than fine with dumping nuclear waste in West Texas.

Hearts of Stone had you stealing a house and had a dope adventure with a ghost. Outside of the part with Olgierd's wife (which is understandable), it wasn't really that dark. It also didn't hurt that Shani was fantastic.

It is proof that we don't need overtime in the regular season. The whole point of football is to determine which side is better over the course of sixty minutes, through the parameters of who can have the best collection of Touchdowns, Field Goals, and Safeties. If the two sides collections are deemed equal at the end

I found that at least with Fallout 4, the games press finally had it with Bethesda's buggy nonsense, and they actually pointed out the nonsense. Then again, a large part of that opinion came from Jeff Gerstmann calling out Rooster Teeth, so my judgement may be clouded.

Wasn't the mod debacle all on Sony's end though? No matter what, I'm only even considering replaying Skyrim on a system that lets me have Macho Man Dragons.

The great thing about Dragon Age 2 was that the stakes were so low for the genre. So instead of saving the world for the umpteenth time, you were only worrying about the one city. It in turn made the side quests seem better, as they didn't feel as completely out of place as they do in all of those "save the world"

So this week, I finished Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. I can say that that entire expansion is a complete delight (along with the first one for that matter), and worth the price of the season pass. I just wish that they went all in on the promise that Toussaint had of showing the bullshit behind the facade that is the

I'm in two minds on this. Cleveland's logo is a racist caricature that should of died with the presidency of Ronald Reagan, and is giving racists more power to remain as the racist fucks that they are. On the other hand, fuck Chicago Sports.

I'd personally keep them there; keeping Harry Reid's Senate seat is too critical.

I've realized that their world fascinates me. How they come to believe this blatantly false version of the world, and will not pay attention to the actual reality is one of the most interesting subplots of this election.

Don't tell the morons that; they're convinced that he actually won that exchange.

I don't know how I have a three game winning streak. Not complaining though. No chance that it continues with Olsen and Cam on bye though.

Huh. outside of the lack of different ads (elevator EDM can die), it's been fantastic for me.

I thought that reposted ESPN comments was the best. I was wrong.

Thank you.

So I finally decided to get around to actually playing Shovel Knight, and yeah, that game's really good. I just wish that Yacht Club put item use on a different button instead of making me hit up+X. I get that they're going for an NES controller, but the button's right fucking there, and I've lost count of the amount

This makes me happy.

Also, Angel was the better show. By far.

Don't forget that all of Angel's romantic endeavours on his spinoff were obscenely better.

I hope so. The damn things still cost 400 dollars down in my neck of the woods. For an extra 100, I can buy an Xbox or PS4, and it will come with three or four games.