
Once more, the sanctions were passed during Bush I's presidency, not Clinton's. Secondly, Iraq was offered an out via the oil-for-food program, They turned it down.

The Gulf War was entirely during Bush I's reign. While there were horrible incidents in Iraq during Clinton's presidency, those were carried out by Saddam Hussein. Last I checked, Saddam Hussein isn't Bill Clinton.

It went to the Clinton Foundation. This might surprise you, but the Clinton Foundation isn't the Clinton's personal piggy bank, and the Clinton Foundation is consistently one of the highest rated charities by various charity rating groups.

Being the head of either of the National Committee's is a thankless position which can end your career. I wouldn't be surprised if noone else wanted the job.

Rodger's theatrics are getting more impressive by the day.

At least it seems like we're going to see increased minority turnout. I just hope that it can get past the bullshit Voter ID laws.

The fact that so many Progressives seem to be ignoring the source of this leak (especially when the contents seem to be such a wet fart) just infuriates me. Then there's the bunch that understand the Russian connection, but have decided that Putin's better because "RT has the real news" or something idiotic. I just

Don't forget about the large (older) Jewish population in Florida that needs to be pandered to.

At least David Boreanaz got a solid paycheck out of it.

I hope that everyone heard Fuck Donald Trump Part 2. It's great, and Macklemore may of just had his best line ever. He's also completely right about Starbursts.

Cruz was most certainly giving his first speech for 2020 tonight, especially with his clear play of appealing to core Conservatives who've been put off with the Tea Party and Trumplican wings hijacking of the party of late. That being said, I do think that he also sees Trump for the bullshit Nationalism salesman that

I'm still scared for her debut. The character can get close to Eugene territory if it's done wrong, and I dont have the most faith that Vince won't fuck it up.

Triple H was able to lockdown some Superstars before the draft. As for Bayley, both sides know that she's Sasha's partner for Battleground and was going to Raw, so both sides knew that it was a wasted pick.

I just want everyone to know that both conventions are being streamed on Twitch. It's been great.

The side that makes more music that you like.

That is everything that I hate out of modern music in one line. Bullshit spontaneity, check. Co-opting other things without having a grasp on what made them work, check. Having nothing interesting behind the bit that everyone pays attention to, check.

And we're already doing that. We just need something to tide us over until that's ready to go.

I just wish that she'd be honest about it instead of acting like it's all spontaneous and carefree. It's why I'll take cold, efficient, getting the fucking job done Hillary Clinton, but trying to be relatable Hillary Clinton just seems lame.

The thing is that developing countries and their expanding needs requires a solution for now, not in the next ten years. When renewables are ready to take on that insane growth, I will support that with gusto. Right now though, they just can't meet the demand, so we have to tolerate the next best option. In this case

And no matter how much better renewables are, the technology just isn't ready for primetime. Now we obviously can't go without power for that period, so we need something. Now fracking is by no means an ideal long term solution, it's overwhelmingly better than the other option that can meet demand right now (coal),