
Don't forget that when that failed, they then moved to Robobama, the zodiac killer, and some guy on a food holiday.

Hey, if you didn't watch that first video, watch it. It's something else.

France and Britain are always dicks to each other. Neither of them would pass the chance to be a dick to the other.

No, she's busy in Dragonball Z.

Your friendly neighbourhood torrent site.

Guess that I had the wrong pile of hatred and insanity.

Oh god do I want to hit John Key upside the head. He comes off like a complete tool, and gets by because Labour can't find a decent leader if it hit them in the face.

If you told me that you're going to shoot me with a taser or a bullet, I'd take the taser every time. Sure its not perfect, but its better than what there is now.

Just out of wonder, why not give them tasers and leave the guns in the car?? That way, they have something that can stop but won't kill on their person, but have access to a firearm for when they actually need it.

Think that it was 4chan.

Watching you Americans makes me relieved that all I have to worry about is an unregulated housing bubble forming that National won't do shit to prevent.

Sandy Hook was the point when hope for gun control died, as we realised that dead kids wouldn't change shit.

Happy Amerixit Day!

I played though Inside a few days ago. That is one hell of a game, and I'll now shut up to not spoil it.

Atlanta hosting the 1996 Olympics cursed them to never win a sports title again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of what LG does. Their crazy phone designs are always fascinating, and keep trying to change things in cool ways. I just wish that they had the budget to deliver on the crazy.

If it's a Nexus, cool. If it's an LG G-something, it's cool to see that you chose the Mitsubishi Evo to Samsung's Subaru WRX.

No, that's the gorilla playing Phil Collins.

The Atlanta Olympic curse. There's also whatever Buffalo and San Diego did to deserve that bad of a run.