
He could become one through his wife, but he wants to do it the hard way for some reason.

I'll take a shitshow referendum over a piece of cloth over one that destroys your country's economy.

Goddamn they're both dull and terrible. Key I guess, only because I know that terrible dullness.

We got a generation whose fear was from nuclear war, a war that would end the human race in a few hours. While that fear is gone, that level of fear seems to now be aimed at the new scary thing, even though immigrants are nowhere near as destructive as a nuclear holocaust (hell, they're beneficial in the long run). At

Well as someone who believes in free trade and is not in Britain, this impending reminder of the value of free trade is something that I can enjoy the long term effects of.

Hey now, it let me save two bucks on headphones. So, thanks I guess.

Then how did you end up playing with the US in the dumb racism department.

As someone from New Zealand, I'm happy that none of you know about our idiotic political decisions. Fuck John Key.

And that British guy as Kevin Love.

So the UFC.

Because they realised that unless you get an I Love Bees, it's not really worth the investment.

I was referring more to the rioting then the shooting. Great timing in fact, since it gave the Cleveland PD a dry run before the real shit.

They just did that yesterday.

I never said that it was fun for them.

Cleveland fans aren't as fun now that they have something to celebrate.

Just to give you a heads up, Corey Lewandowski, Trump's campaign manager is no longer so. So expect Paul Manafort, the man with links to dictators the world over (most notably Putin) to take control. Also, expect the Trump campaign to go to some truly dark places now.

I'm just happy that Warriors fans are sad. Being a Clipper fan plays no role in this.

The place without idiotic Trump idolatry.

Hell, 47% at least made sense (no matter how shitty it was).

If by using the free tier of Spotify, then they do. Of course there are probably kids whose parents pay for it for them, but they don't count because their parents are footing the bill.