
That target market still doesn't pay for music. They just find it on YouTube, go to one of those sites that converts YouTube videos into mp3's and make me wish that I could have pirated as easily as that in my day.

Limewire was the first place that I ever downloaded porn from when I was in intermediate school. It took me a good few years to download porn again.

Weird Al - Every song that is remotely funny (and a whole bunch that are not).

Wasn't that the networks forgetting that the Florida panhandle is an hour behind the rest of the state?

At least people remember New Jersey. The Dakotas, Montana, and New Mexico (along with DC who votes next week) don't even get mentioned.

No, he's just going to tweet him at his desk with a bowl of jello.

I'll take it over smug tech douchebags getting the Stanley Cup and the NBA title.

Donald Trump is basically Mormon repellant. It's why polling has shown Utah being a competitive race for months now.

Don't forget when he backed down from that debate with Bernie.

I did absolutely nothing for my last birthday. It was fantastic.

And now Formula 1 is somehow filling the void.

Welcome to the lives of us in the rest of the world.

I always thought that that sport was a court mandated napping period.

We knew that McCain was the candidate when the PUMA'S were in full force. The Bernie supporters are coming terms with their guy losing, and they'll realise how bad Trump is in due course.

Look at his vote count compared to the Democrats though.

I think that it was Keith Olberman who noticed that while trump brings a bump, it's by no means as big as you'd expect it to be.

It's better than reality stars turned fascist demigods getting it.

The bulk of them will. We had the PUMA's do this exact same song and dance eight years ago, and they voted for Obama in the end.

Hilary won this back in South Carolina. Since they award delegates proportionally (and parts of the Bernie campaign won't accept the loss) it looks far closer than it actually is.

It very much seems like the foreign policy plan is a coexist bumper sticker. For example, his ISIS plan plan is to basically get Iran and Saudi Arabia to partner up and defeat them. Anyone with there slightest information on there region can tell you how much they won't work.