
Slight tangent, but I went to hillaryis44.com a few days ago. Not only is that place still going, but it's completely on the S.S. Backwards Raccoon.

They put it against the season finale of NCIS. Because of this, I believe that Fox wanted nothing to do with it, or Fox News have drunk too much of the kool-aid surrounding their importance.

At some point, I just said fuck it and summoned dudes. It still took at least 15 tries.

Come cross the ditch. We have all the good shit here.

DOOM is fucking fantastic. That is all.

As someone who was a few years too young for this era of music; I don't know if I should be happy for dodging the stupidity of the era, or be bummed for getting such a dull lot instead. At least I had Limewire I guess?

That because Red Bull's sports ventures are all the exact ones that you would expect out of a Bond Villain. Anyone who gets out of that suddenly looks like the greatest guy on the planet. It's why no matter how good the Verstappen story was; everything that came before it made me hate Red Bull and their bullshit, and

Gossip Girl. While that first season is still fantastic, the show slowly but surely list it's magic, them just became bad. Even then, I kept watching for far too much, because I was so far in. While I did eventually break the habit,I still kept up with it. I also want to punch whoever thought that Dan being Gossip

What's more metal than robots raining death from the sky?

Don't forget that due to current events, it just looks like something from someone who exists in a bubble (which is probably true).

Is there anything wrong with Oracle Arena. Sure the Warriors play there, but that's not the buildings fault.

Fuck I miss Pushing Daisies. I still remember stumbling upon it when TVNZ was burning it off, and just fell in love with it all. Goddamn I want Netflix to pull a Netflix on that.

As someone on the good side of the ditch, that election looks like a complete mess. It's also worth noting that a while back, the right wing Liberals made a deal with the greens to make things harder for the whole bunch of parties that get around 1% of the vote, thus closing the door for anyone but the parties that

That's because they're all stored on the top floor of the Scientology center, living in complete squalor.

Who knows. HBO got away with Going Clear unharmed, and more people speak out against them now. Even if they have to remove the Scientology connection for some made up nonsense, you can still tell the story.

But he has freshly squeezed virgin blood delivered, prepared, and heated for him daily. Why would he give that up?

It's weird that nearly every comment made is either defending Scientology, or US military bases in Japan. He must be fun at parties.

There's calls to shut it down, since the joke's hit it's peak.

It was off last week.

They were coming off of Iron Man, Iron Man 2 had already wrapped principal production and they had the bulk of the management that keeps that ship running today in place. All the Disney purchase did was change future distribution location from Paramount to Disney.