
Autocorrect dictated it as so. Therefore it is called the Remnant for all time, and any other names are falsehoods.

Winston just doesn't capture the essence of Merrick Garland like Biscuit does though.

I saw Spotlight today. It's weird, because it's both rather thrilling, and can be completely horrifying. While it won't change the course of cinema, it completely achieved in what it set out to do. It was also much more worthy of winning Best Picture over The Remnant, which felt like another blockbuster to me, just

If you take into account that many of those songs were really pop songs through an alt rock lens, they're fine. They won't set the world on fire, but they're fine. I also really like You Only Get What You Give as a great pop song.

Is there a way to watch this in New Zealand? These threads make me want to watch this, but I've never found a way to watch it.

Don't tell me that Bill Clinton, First Lady doesn't appeal to you at least a bit.

I've always wondered about the story of Bangladeshi women working for fuck all and wondered what the people there actually think. So I looked around and found an episode of Planet Money on it (I stuck the link at the bottom). It was a bit of an eye opening experience, because it presents the story of the Bangladeshi

I thought that Ballers found it's market in the end.

How is Rich Sommer not a bigger thing. Harry Crane was a great slimebag, and he can do sarcastic humor fantastically. The fact that the biggest thing that he's done since Mad Men is Firewatch just seems wrong.

They're around NFL level corrupt. In fact, when Qatar tried to buy the Olympics, they wouldn't even let the Doha bid go to the vote. Now don't get me wrong, they do plenty of shady shit. It just so happens to be less slave labour, and more fleecing cities for stadiums and dumb benefits, cutting out local businesses in

We like the Queen. When Prince Charles takes the throne in forty years though, we'll have that discussion.

The fact that both that and UnREAL came out last summer on USA and Lifetime of all places still astounds me. Two shows that are that damn good, both appear on networks not known for that kind of quality, and came out at the same time still astounds me.

Who would a supercar with a Honda engine?

The more that I've heard about free trade this election cycle, the more I see it's benefits. After all, while it's easy to point to the manufacturing jobs lost and the stagnant wages; I can't help but look at things such as my ability to buy a good shirt for six dollars, and the cell phone that cost me $600 dollars. I

It's what happens when you get more athletes than actual designers on your flag design panel (seriously, there were zero designers and two athletes on that panel). John Key and National saw it as this big attempt to rebrand the country as this new thing. It has seen it blow up completely in his face; as a flag isn't a

Thank fuck that I live in New Zealand. John Key may be a hair pulling bully with a shit taste in flags, but I'll take that over what you have.

Isn't he the Baseball guy?

Hitler did lead to Fanta though.