
So where do the Clintons fit in if Hillary wins? Do they both go? Does only Bill go? Do neither go?

I think that you may of commented on the wrong post.

You are basing this off of one thing. Believe it or not, one thing does not define who a person is. What defines them is the many things that they do over their lifetime. When The Clintons have a long track record of fighting for minority people (look it up, that Reddit post I linked earlier is great and sources

I'm sorry that I'm not living up to your perfect standards, and prefer the candidate that I prefer. Now if you think that Hillary's "racism" can hold a candle to Trump, then you are fucking delusional. I mean, the guy has belittled and offended every minority this election cycle.

There's a difference between one incident and a historical track-record. Everyone has that dumb incident that they wish that they could take back. It's why I can let small things slide so long as everything else goes against that incident (in this case Hillary being a racist due to one leaked photo).

Last I checked, parts of the establishment are not seeing their funding cut due to a bullshit video.

The "Super Predator" comment you speak of stem back to the tough on crime bill of 1994. It's worth noting that the majority of the black community actually supported this because they were seeing their streets torn apart by the crack epidemic. This environment not only bred violence, but kids were in fact becoming

Yes, I like his ideas, and he's probably closer to me than Hillary politically. Unfortunately, he's not presented a reasonable path to accomplish anything that he wants to accomplish. Now sure Hillary is not the most honest person, but she damn well knows how to play the political game, has not burned all of her

His broad ideas aren't bad, but he hasn't presented a realistic path to actually accomplish any of them.
Free education sounds amazing, but you know as well as I do that any chance to accomplish it would be destroyed in this current congress.
His approach to ISIS (Getting Iran and Saudi Arabia to work together) sounds

I could get on board with a movie when it seems to have the concept of Liam Gallagher: International Spy.

Have a look at the demographics of Georgia. Much like Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina; they have seen a massive shift in demographics, as the Atlanta metro is now half of the state's population, and the white proportion of the population has fallen fifteen percent. with the right candidate (probably an

I just can't get into Bernie. While my politics most certainly line up closer to him then Hillary's, the combination of the lack of numbers and ideas backing him up and the horror story that is his supporters just makes his message ring hollow

I'd remind you that not only did she win Iowa, but she's in a good spot to win North Carolina, and Georgia is also in play right now.

Even without superdelegates, Hillary is still over 200 delegates closer.

National polling is useless at this point, as we're still talking about two political machines that still haven't gone after each other yet.

Diet Coke's just plain better than regular Coke though.

Don't feel bad for enjoying dusty Rhodes finally getting his due over Ric Flair.

And deal with all of the baggage that comes with her family? That's a case of fuck before you get out of town if I've ever seen one.

Everywhere has that one rock station that plays the same 7 songs on loop. Sure, you can change the name, but they're all the same station.