
And is nowhere near the Top 40. Say what you will about pop, but the stuff that charts is remarkably dull more often than not.

I keep watching it not really work, and have found myself wishing that they hired someone like Terry Crews.

Dude's going to go full Peter Molyneux on that album.

And Schoolboy Q killed it there. Now that I think about it, there were some fucking bangers on that album.

Now watch him replace it with R Kelly and Ike Turner instead.

That requires TLOP to leave early access though.

To be fair though, she also campaigned a few years later for George McGovern. For those who are unaware, he was so left wing that he won one state. It's also what led to the Democrats introducing superdelegates.

Reporting from New Zealand. Never want to hear that inescapable weapon of a song again.

Billy Gunn has better things to do than you very much.

As a 23 year old, I completely understand how stupidly risky what he did is.

Michael Cole is like Joe Buck at Super Bowl 42, but for every single big moment.

This film is going to end up being a go-to for High School English and Media classes. As a result, it will one of those films that plenty of people will have seen, and it will either be a core part of them or not care for it in the slightest.

Crash was the first proper adult movie that I saw with boobs in it. For that reason alone, it's good in my book (Ludacris doesn't hurt either).

Kiss Kiss and Forever I can get behind. Deuces on the other hand, now that's an ugly song with a shitty beat.

For me at least, there's something rather Prince-like which keeps me enthralled. Unfortunately, Prince also got his head caught up his own ass too, and it's still debatable on if he ever got it out of there.

That's because you're using Reddit wrong. Its sole uses are for talking about various sports and porn. Avoid everything else on it like the plague.

Boobs can be funny. I distinctly remember laughing at the scene in 40 Year Old Virgin where Steve Carrell gets taught about female body parts by a porn star in a dream.

I've so far been fine with the musical options for the channels. Sure, the sheer lack of Classic Rock is dumb, but I can get down to the Indie Rock that it goes for. That being said, I now know what Bro Country is. My life has been made worse. Seriously, it's all of the parts of oughts rap that society decided were

How's Madden for someone who's never played a sports sim. I keep wanting to get into it, but I scared that it will just overwhelm me.

For me at least, it's the fantasy of it all. I know that I'm never going to be some guitar virtuoso, but it can make me feel like I could be. It also doesn't hurt that I'm a complete sucker for rhythm games, and that a good chunk of the music that I like isn't going to work in Dance Central.