
So I got my hands on Guitar Hero Live this week, and what a damn good game it is. The biggest and smartest change came from the controller change, which went from a row of five to two rows of three. As a result, my muscle memory of old has been rendered moot, and I'm now having to learn how to go up and down. It seems

They most probably did something illegal. It just so happens that that thing was most likely not rape.

I may call Vince McMahon a cancer on society, but that's more for calling the wrestlers that he employs "independent contractors", so he doesn't have to worry about such things as pensions or health insurance. The fact that he gave Rick Santorum a platform to build his career doesn't help either.

I feel like 2016 looked at 2009, and decided that it needs to beat that year in two months.

Yeah, I doubt that we'll hear anything about that for fairly obvious reasons.

So how'd it go?

It still doesn't change the fact that it's still for crazy people right now. Furthermore, you can chuck the Pebble Watch on that list too.

I don't think that it's that, I just think that this democratization has just failed abysmally due to the sheer volume of it all. For context, look at the list of top 100 YouTube channels, and they are all either people who got into it early, or large media companies presence there. Likewise, the biggest Kickstarters

It's regular YouTube, but they turn the ads off and give you access to another music streaming service. They also have a few exclusive things, which are giving various YouTubers bags of money and telling them to make longer things.

Say what you will about him, but that latest Bieber album has some good songs if you're a fan of Tropical House. I still won't listen to it outside of YouTube in incognito mode, but there's something there.

Those are just the ones that i could remember off of the top of my head. A quick Google search not only shows many more fuckups (Rocky over Network, The English Patient winning an award for something other than best sleeping aid), but it also shows a pattern of the safe dull film/performance winning over the

The King's Speech over Toy Story 3, Inception, and The Social Network. Crash over Brokeback Mountain. Chicago over The Pianist and Lord of the Rings. Shakespeare in Love over saving Private Ryan. Forrest Gump over Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption.

You have to remember that the bulk of the Academy is comprised of old white guys who experienced a similar upbringing to that of Donald Sterling. While I don't think that they're that racist (I don't think that's mathematically possible), I guarantee that a whole bunch of them are closer to him than is comfortable. As

I'm just happy that I live in a place like New Zealand. We have ratings systems so PG shows can be aired, our channels can show boobs and wieners after the watershed, and weird creeps can become PM.

The only way to make the WWE's sorry excuse for wrestling bearable is have some idiots to moan about it with online. Now that I think about it, fandoms are the best when the thing that they're fandoming over has drastically fallen in quality.

I thought that they moved the BBC to Manchester in order to curtail that.

Someone shooting a bunch of randoms is mundane, nothing will happen to stop it, and a maniac that sounds increasingly like Hitler is a viable presidential candidate. Anybody that comes off as if they care will be chewed up and spit out by a social media system that cuts nuanced opinions off at the vine. Either the

And there I thought that I was on an island alone for crazy people. For me at least, it's the fact that Larry's got more years and more experience under his belt, thus letting Larry roll with things far better. It also doesn't hurt that Larry comes off as far more genuine than anyone else in late night right now.

As a casual fan of New Japan, I'm on the fence about the big move that the Monopoly has made. Firstly, it is not a case on if they're booked correctly, it's how they'll get the ball dropped on them. By the same token though, the talent that the four have (Nakamura, Styles, Anderson, and Gallows) might just be enough

I would of had third if one fucking Giant didn't have a need to get all punchy. Stupid OBJ.