Big Breakfast

Facing consequences for raping women over decades (really just once even) is fine. Facing consequences legally is fine. But to get upset that a children’s author is a TERF - and she definitely will treat a trans person with respect if she meets them if my other TERF friends are used as models - is pointless

“Cancelled” is a Twitter joke that right-wingers latched on to once they ran “woke” into the ground the same way they did “PC” and “SJW”. The phrase “cancel culture” means exactly what those things meant when used by them: “I want to be an asshole to anyone I want and not face the consequences.” It exists as a

His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

What are the odds that you never see a response from that idiot after showing him the actual fucking video hahahah

I’ve got an uncle who’s a doctor (well, chiropractor)

What can he say after all? He doesn’t have the capacity to actually lead a nation. We all knew that in 2016. That we got this far before the country faced major crisis was just the luck of the draw. There was little doubt that if and when the country looked to him for real leadership, he could rise to the challenge.

What I learned from this is that Alison Roman hates successful minority women, while also capitalizing on ethnic cuisines. I am glad I had never heard of her before a few days ago, and I am sorry that I now have space in my brain for her.

I think the whole Karen thing is being pushed by the Becky lobby...

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!

excuse me. just to clarify. the joke is...that this grown, adult human...licks a toilet seat. in an airplane. and that is the prank they're playing on humanity? do they know...that they had to lick an airplane toilet seat to do this prank? and that it's on the internet so when their 15 minutes are done and they need

He’s a psychopath and narcissist. And a bunch of white people thought it was perfectly fine to vote for him. And will again. It’s because of them that we are where we are.

people dont like her because she represents the most pathetic kind of self-serving person. content to be whatever was the presumed cultural epitome-of-the-day (a goldwater girl, a detestable powerful white man’s wife, a particulr kind of exclusionary “femenist”) until it no longer serves her best interests. she never

There was also how she put the whole package together. There was a task force which might have numbered in the hundreds, but no one knew because their identities were kept secret. Then, when the thing was finally produced, it was hundreds of pages long. There is such a thing as too much detail, especially in something

Yeah. People hate nepotism, and nobody else in the world would have picked her for that job. She was a much (much, much, much...) more qualified Jared/Ivana, but she was still a Jared/Ivana.

Hillary Clinton has had to eat a lot of shit during her life in and around politics. Go back and watch any interview with her during Bill’s presidency and she is treated terribly by the men interviewing her. She will probably never get enough credit for what she’s done that has helped push our society forward to the

Honestly, I don’t think the problem is that we’re too hard on female politicians; we’re just not hard enough on male politicians.

I am a man who likes Taylor Swift, but this song isn’t close to her best work.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve becoming increasingly weary with ultra wealthy white women lecturing us all about feminism.

I’d bet dollars to donuts that principal is one of the commenters over at Jezebel. The absolute glee they’ve been displaying as they dance around Kobe’s grave (while offering half-assed platitudes to the other victims of the crash) has been sickening. Kobe was a person that did a lot of good and a lot of wrong. To