
Don't worry, Robert Rodriguez laughs in the face of PG-13.

Gonna have to go with the Bushwacker for this problem. The terrain is good for some medium-long range harassment, and it can take a beating while it relocates.

You hit the nail on the head.

So I'm not the only one who noticed! Kuvira's army went from being "sorta Nazis" to "definitely Nazis"

comment on wrong post

I might give him a break, but do you know what I wouldn't give him? A giant robot.

Now I am certain that all you want to do is complain. You have zero intention of liking this even before seeing it. "OMG cameras have improved since 1977 and it upsets me!" Direct quote. Word for word.

The only "clean" think I can see in the trailer is the squad of Stormtroopers on a fresh deployment. Of course they'd be all shiny and impressive. It's half their purpose. Other than that things are pretty dirty. Even the X-wing pilots gear is scratched up and well worn. You're reading into things because you

Did you not see the pale guy 1 image above this?

The reason I was excited for JJA to be directing Star Wars was that he basically already did with his Star Trek movies.

I'll bet the mormons LOVE IT.

Look closer. It is a PIE with a top hat.

I have severe nerve damage in my left arm and hand. I do a lot of things with one hand tied behind my back.

Most of my torment was menta anyway. Teasing and name calling and such. Except for one pot-head who wanted to take out his daddy issues on me I guess. After that day the guy was too scared to even look at me.

Clicked "See more replies" for Ghost, was blah blah blah you know the drill.
Blizzard, I'm dead inside. Why did you kill my soul?

There have been more boneheaded mistakes made in the military than that.

Yes, clicking play in steam will launch Uplay, but directly to the games launch page. If it weren't on Steam, he'd have to dig up the Uplay icon, launch it, find the game in the Uplay library, then launch the game. I hope you can see the extra, unneeded steps there.

Competition is good for consumers, but exclusivity is bad for them.

Tell me, are Sarkeesian's statements that games turn men into mysoginists backed up by any evidence either?
Also, you don't have to accuse people of having "toxic hypermasculinity" I'm pretty sure you mean it as an insult rather than any sort of argument. In that spirit, I would call you a big fat meanie head. See?

But if what you are looking for is a real girlfriend, then sitting in as the emotional backup is just wasting everyone's time and creating hurt feelings in the future. Better to move on to a new situation than wait for her to come around.