
The english dub of Hishschool DxD is one of my favorite things.

Seriously, we need to just stop coming here. In fact, I think I’ll be deleting my bookmark as soon as this comment is finished. Gawker has been a trashfire that is fun to watch burn, but sifting through the embers has lost it’s appeal.

You get a star for effective use of the term “pig-sticker”

Ever been trapped in a sinking car in a lake? You’ll want a glass breaker right gorram now.

I mean GOD DAMN aren’t white people the worst? Fuck whitey is what I say. I mean the Japanese would never adapt a foreign work to their own culture! The Japanese would NEVER change the race of a character even when it’s explicitly stated in the work in question. God save us from all this whitewashing!

The world needs more Jinx cosplayers...

This wasn’t really an applause and excitement trailer. It seems like it was meant to make you sit and silently ponder “WTF” for a few minutes. It’s more about building intrigue than excitement.

Have fun with that exploding Lithium Ion battery. Shotgun is pretty much guaranteed to puncture the power source and those bastards will shoot fire when compromised.

“Decimate” is one of my favorite misused words. You’re right in this case, the plague killed way more than 10% of the population.

No octopus lips? I’m out!

Well they did use the Terraformar roach as an example of Mega-Roach Evolution.

He may have stopped his initial sprint out of fear of faceplanting into the glue.

You’ve never seen lions operate have you?

What you’re saying is that you want to make your problem into somebody else’s problem. Rather than just get on with your day you spend all this time yelling at people on the internet.

You know what a dog would do? Eat it whether it was alive or not.

You should watch the video it’s associated with. That is a dead squid. What you’re seeing is just muscle contractions in a body without a brain.

I'd like to add that I don't think you're racist. Not on purpose at least. Very few people are. I think you should be a bit more introspective about the things you say and why. We all have little hidden prejudices and it hurts to find out about them. Especially if we see ourselves as particularly progressive, which I

I've been looking forward to reading Ms Marvel the few preview panels I've read have been pretty clever. Haven't heard of Saga or Rat Queens though. I'll probably end up checking them out eventually.

I'll have to paraphrase to encompass multiple statements here: "Straight white men are going to be very upset when all the minorities invade space they they all believe belongs solely to them"
Also, "It's okay to say it because I'm white"
In rephrasing I made you a bit more polite about it, but the essence is there.

Nah, I just like poking people who say racist shit for any reason. You get to watch them try to justify it.