
If they were historical log files, then the events depicted still happened; I mean, that’s the whole point of a log. Besides, why would Riker consult a fictional story if he’s wrestling with a moral quandary? The whole point is that he’s trying to figure out what a hero of his (a real person) would have done in his

The idea is that the Borg encountered by the Enterprise was already on its way to investigate Earth as a result of the signal. (a theory backed up by Q’s comment that humanity was going to encounter the Borg anyway, and he just merely sped up the timetable a bit... though it’s obviously a retcon that merely

That was just a single (incredibly, incredibly shitty) episode. There’s nothing that suggests Enterprise isn’t fully canon in the Kelvin timeline, considering it happened before the timeline split.

But we’ve already seen that the effects of the original timeline can continue to resonate in the Kelvin timeline by Spock not fading out of existence à la Back to the Future.

Eh, they already did the “Borg tech in the past phones home” thing with their appearance on Enterprise (the episode “Regeneration,” where a couple of drones that had been frozen after their ship’s destruction in First Contact were thawed out).

GLaDOS is still my first pick for an alternate Siri voice. Even if it doesn’t include her personality, it’d still be amusing.

On the plus side, you wouldn’t have to step foot in a Walmart.

On the plus side, you wouldn’t have to step foot in a Walmart.

Intimating that Fox was somehow responsible for Deadpool’s success makes me think you didn’t even read the article.

About a year ago, I posted something on reddit for laughs: an old article about the casting of the Thor film, with the headline “Marvel Rolls Dice, Casts No-names for Thor.” (discussing both Hemsworth and Hiddleston)

A little from column A, a little from column B...

And Static Shock ties in well the the Justice League cartoon, too.

I don’t think there needs to be any connection between Crossbones and Zemo. The incident with Crossbones (which brought about the legislation) was just a delightful coincidence that gave Zemo a ideally-sized audience for the terrorist attack he pinned on Bucky; it would’ve needed to be a large event anyway, but a

This is the same group that somehow was able to secretly build multiple $13+ billion flying aircraft carriers and keep them hidden inside gigantic hangars underground just in case.

GOTG proved it will work and Earth doesn’t really have to be involved.

Yeah, they did something similar with the Suicide Squad’s appearance on Arrow: some low-level comic book villain schmuck that decided to call Waller’s bluff about the neck bomb and show the rest of the team that yes, they really would be killed off if they stepped out of line.

In io9's defense, Gunn did say that Quill’s parentage isn’t the big twist of the movie, so this isn’t a particularly major spoiler (from the director’s perspective; obviously you’re free to disagree).

Spunkmeyer was the co-pilot of the dropship (he’s the one that ran up the ramp and discovered the slime on the steps), Ferro was the pilot (she got killed when the xenomorph came into the cockpit).

It’s also a potentially false interpretation of Thor’s statement. For all we know, magic is absolutely real, but Asgardians approach it from a very scientific perspective, i.e. observation and experimentation. Less “Loki needs a projector to display his illusions” and more “if you chant this eight-word phrase this

Your theory would hold a lot more water if the audiences were flipped. To suggest that the Agents of SHIELD show preps audiences for stuff in the movies is laughable; the show’s viewing numbers are a fraction of the movie’s numbers, and that people that do overlap likely wouldn’t need that prep anyway because they’re

Back when I used to play StarCraft (and Brood War) waaaaay back in the day, when things were in a lull I’d click the dropship unit over and over to get the Aliens references she’d say. (“In the pipe, five by five,” “hang on, we’re in for some chop,” and “where’s the damn beacon?” are the ones I remember)