
Honestly, Aliens is a perfect example of how to have a huge number of cannon-fodder characters that don’t just feel like they’re wasting the audience’s time by being there. Everyone’s interactions feel incredible genuine, and even relatively minor exchanges like the one you quoted help to build atmosphere.

And my axe!

You had 52 stars when I saw this. I was definitely conflicted about whether I should recommend it or not.

I don’t understand how Slimer can look so [relatively] good in the gif at the top of the article and look so utterly terrible in that little clip.

Those aren’t legal guidelines for allowing the mere existence of fan films, those are the rules for an official award contest for fan films.

Yes. Yes it is.

Well, it’s better than sending used condoms and anal beads.

Fair enough. I can still see his siding with the Accords as being a realization that trying to solve things on his own (regardless of the fact that Vision worked) almost universally ended in a failure of some kind.

His solution to create Vision was a reaction to the “oh shit, I made an evil robot, whoopsie” mistake.

The (mostly paranoid) rationale behind turning off electronic devices is that their signals could mess up the plane’s systems. Bluetooth’s limited range (versus, say, the regular antenna for a cellular signal) wouldn’t do any damage; any plane that could be brought down by an errant Bluetooth signal has no business

The (mostly paranoid) rationale behind turning off electronic devices is that their signals could mess up the

The accords weren’t about enhanced individuals, though; it was about the Avengers specifically. When Cap asked what would happen if he didn’t sign, he was told that he’d have to retire. It wasn’t about regulating enhanced people (Spider-Man didn’t need to sign because he wasn’t an Avenger, Hawkeye didn’t need to sign

Well, everybody sounds pretty dull except Nathan Fillion.

Eh, the lack of sleeves doesn’t bother me; he did say it wasn’t finished, after all.

I’m not seeing the helmet as being pointy; that’s just a result of the lights around the helmet.

There’s also a precedent for them making an exiting item into an Infinity Stone: the Tesseract had shades of the Cosmic Cube (right down to Red Skull holding it at one point), but tossing the Mind Stone in Vision’s forehead (instead of his more generic Solar Jewel) was a big shift. Making a powerful artifact like the

I’m curious: in what industries was Apple a leader that they no longer are?

Yeah, then it becomes less of a solar roadway and more of a “smart roadway that also has solar panels.” Which, to be honest, I’d be okay with.

To be fair, the Solar Roadways system was also addressing other issues, such as having a heating element (so that salting the roads in the winter wasn’t necessary), using the roadway network instead of power lines (also another benefit in the winter; ice won’t form on and weigh down power lines, which cause power

To be fair, Coulson already had a secret that went to his grave.

One of the things I like about Flash is that he has the tragic backstory, but isn’t grimdark. It’s a very pleasant change of pace.