
Eureka - a real journalist(Bradley Brownell) finally breaks TWO top taboos by daring to mention not just the countless trillions of global taxpayers’ dollars/euros etc that have been spent ever-so quietly on fossil fuel subsidies for the last 70-odd years but he - Bradly the Brave/Bold - also dares to talk about the

People’s reaction and response to major issues is still largely shaped or pre-programmed by a mainstream media that exists primarily to serve powerful entities eg. corporations, multinationals, the Military Industrial Complex (aka The War Machine), the Deep State etc. For circa 70 years the media has served for all

Memory Hole: ..and in 2018 Lamborghini unveiled the all-electric TERZO. A few years later they announced production of the Terzo would begin in 2025. And repeated that it would be powered by..supercapacitors not batteries. Forgotten already, people?

Duh! For the nth time(squared!): EV chargers are already around 500-1000 times “more common”, more available and (far) more convenient than gas aka petrol stations - because they’re in peoples’ bloomin’ homes for crying out loud ! Almost literally right under their/our noses/pillows whilst they sleep nights - unlike

Carmakers, electric utilities, the charge-point industry and oil companies - from their collective perspective low-cost family-sized solar EVs like the Sono Sion and Lightyear obviously give consumers far too much freedom/independence - most car owners drive less than 50 miles on over 300 days of the year so

And they’re allegedly so relieved - sorry - so “concerned” that the combustion-crushing EV Revolution might not happen as they had all ostensibly “hoped” that they’re now all (not) moving Heaven and Earth to accelerate the roll-out of price-busting alternatives to lithium ion batteries like on-the-cusp sodium ion and

Be in no doubt - economic, stock-market hit-teams are doing everything in their considerable power to target the stocks of any company that dares to either cut EV prices or even talk about producing disruptively low-cost or cheap EVs. And in particular the share-value or stock-price of any Chinese EV manufacturers who

All used EVs will be a bargain if five or so years from now any EV owner is able to visit their nearest EV genius workshop and have any old battery-pack nippily replaced / upgraded by next-gen, price-busting sodium ion - or even better - by compact, inexpensive sodium solid-state batteries.

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A total non-sequitur - no possible logical reason why convertibles can’t be electric !!

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A total non-sequitur - no possible logical reason why convertibles can’t be electric !!
Ah yeah - nasty EVs - killing lovely convertibles, innit.
Another one for our absurd parrots’ chorus line of a media to echo around the planet.
But don’t despair - you can always set yourself completely free with a back-to-basics

A total non-sequitur - no possible logical reason why convertibles can’t be electric !!

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As so often no mention is made of the price and the fact that the all-eclipsing, crucial USP/Unique Selling Point of the China-only Hongguang mini EV is its ultra-low price-tag of around $5,500(..it was just $4,500 several global crises ago).

Clueless author tells us China doesn’t “want” to export to the US. Ha! Nonsense!! They just don’t dare take on America’s and the West’s powerful, mafia-like protectionist forces who’re still determined to keep EV prices high in order to prevent EVs from eating into/cannibalizing/contaminating their best-selling, core

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So like most people you’ve been swallowing and spreading the media’s non-stop range-anxiety Koolaid/BS. Most drivers drive well under 50 miles on well over 300 days of the year. The RAV4 EV would still make good financial sense for two car(ICE) households - replace one of your two ICE vehicles with a low-cost, low-ish

Jalopnik’s scribbler asks “..are there other aspects of an EV that need to change before mass adoption of the new(‘new’ !!!) tech can happen?”

The author predictably fails to point out that in Europe’s(= 44 countries) less or least affluent or downright poor countries (= the majority of Europe’s countries) it’s the price-busting €10,000 - €12,000 euro Dacia Spring that takes first place whilst the €50,000 euro Tesla Model 3 unsurprisingly doesn’t even make

Jalopnik - as geographically clueless and as “grass-is-greener” delusional as ever ! No - most Europeans are every bit as hostile, apathetic and clueless as Americans when it comes to EVs..and all things green for that matter. And wakey wakey , you insular ignoramuses - Europe is not “a land” for pity’s sake - it’s 44

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Oh dear - the usual price-busting, long-range China EV blind spot. Take just one glorious case in point: the sub-$25,000 Xpeng P5(vid link below) which also boasts double-bed, fridge, HD TV projector and screen - and more: 250+ mile range, rapid recharge, lush spacious interior etc etc. The Chinese EV invasion is

“England” ? Only England? Not Britain? Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland? The “British” government has mandated it - but only for England ? Why ?  Ah yes - the United Kingdom.

Again, Mr. “Robot Turds”(sic) - you fail/refuse to provide links to support your classic sinophobic bigotry.