
$100 is a small price to pay to completely shut out the used game market for your console. (and realistically any physical retailer middleman like gamestop)

A decade is ten years and not strictly defined as either 0-9 or 1-0. Since we generally refer to a decade using the third digit (eg “the 90s”), it makes the most sense to group them from 0-9.

I honestly always hated the mini game for lock picking and hacking, I usually added a mod soon as one was made to skip that part.

Ultimately a game isn’t meant to be inclusive


Parents. Parents buy this for kids, just like the 3DS. It’s amazing how many of you still don’t understand Nintendo. 

Kotaku is a fucking video game blog! Their entire point is to talk about video games! To write articles about games, game culture, and other topics that video game enthusiasts will want to read about. Their job is not to protect fan games that violate Nintendo’s legal rights.

Don’t group everyone into this little club that you think everyone who is playing this for the nostalgia factor wants the old school battle system. You only THINK you want it. I for one do not miss running into random battles every 5 seconds and waiting for my turn. It’s pretty much why I abandoned Dragon Quest XI.

“Hey Bob?”

I vividly remember the first time my white 11 yo self from the border of Queens/Nassau Ny heard CREAM. Definitive moment in my life in regards to music and loving hip hop. When you watch movies you know it’s fiction. Hearing Rae and Deck spit those versus about life in Staten Island, it was a shock to my system that

For what it’s worth, I’m like 99% certain that he will complete the next book, “Winds of Winter”. “A Dream of Spring” however, seems like, well, a dream. 

Right? What killed Jon: zombies or politics? What is the biggest threat to Dany: zombies or politics? And who talks about the zombies most? Jon and Melisandre, both of whom are shown to be hilariously wrong about most things.

I think an unintended (or maybe it was intended by the bill payers) side effect of advanced metrics is that it has killed the star in baseball. You can look at it as trying to find a market inefficiency, sure, but it also can be looked at like “we don’t want to spend money, let’s find a cheaper option.” It’s weird

With all the snakes? Come on!

File this under: Why Kyler Switched...

I know! There’s no shortage of dedicated, intelligent people willing to expand the universe of content that is Star Wars. We could even call it something like the Exapanded Content, or something. Why has no one does this before?

But wink wink, oops, turns out they just forgot to put any security on this thing at all and you can run a few software commands and load the entire library from USB.

FFX is my favorite. I loved VII when it came out, but my love for it later could be due to nostalgia, whereas I was an adult when i played X. I miss turn based RPGs of that quality.

I am Mexican and believe me, playing through Guacamelee 1 was beautiful. We know that the most famous cultural influences from our country are Lucha Libre, Mariachis and Day of the Dead, and almost every time that one of these things are presented on a videogame (or another type of media) we are truly proud! In

I’m 35 years old with a career and a family and I have some pretty good advice for tackling modern open world games: stick to the story. Sure, I’ll dick around in these games, especially if the mechanics particularly invite it, but I try to focus on the story. I don’t stay *strictly* to the story because in most of