If you would like a job that doesn’t put your life in jeopardy, you can take your high school diploma, your military discharge, and all your valuable skills and go find another job that pays full family benefits and lets you retire at age 52.
My favorite thing about this is that he couldn’t spell “wrangle” so it autocorrected to civil rights legend Charlie Rengel.
This was the big question I had... is this a very poorly worded statement? Did they mean “we’re firing her for the adverse actions for which she was arrested?” or “we’re firing her because of adverse actions while she was being arrested?”
At what point do we stop feeling sorry for frat boys that get hurt or killed in hazing incidents?
I dunno it’s better than their first option: Scarlett Johansson
But Arsenal’s not on ther.... OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID
There’s better ammo out there against O’Rourke:
I fucking canceled my Tesla (formerly SolarCity) solar system because of this shit. Fuck this guy.
without even clicking I knew it was fucking Randazza
Where *did* you get that overnight bag??
Where *did* you get that overnight bag??
Dude what if she recorded him saying that he grabs women by the pussy and forcibly kisses them?? That would be the end of him for sure!
2020 nominee has to win two out of three of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. Trump could set a dog on fire while eating a baby and win Florida by 6 points. Only Biden can win Pennsylvania and be competitive in Ohio. So, We’ve almost certainly got Trump till Jan. 2025.
go fuck yourself
I have a fantastic story that has nothing to do with this car but everything to do with some of the photos taken at the corner of Broadway and Taylor, at the top of the Broadway tunnel. My good buddy Alex (who I’m stoked to hang out with at the upcoming Psycho Fest in Vegas) lived in that building on the corner in the…
if 10% of Papa John’s pizza eaters recognize John Schnatter I’ll eat my shoe, dipped in that garlic sauce.
The replies are making me sick. “He was only 18!” “He was a kid!” Venn diagram with these assholes and the TREYVON MARTIN WAS A GROWN THUG MAN crowd is the near perfect circle in the center of goatse
At this point “Former Stanford swimmer” Brock Turner makes about as much sense as “Heisman Trophy Winner” OJ Simpson or “Governor” Sarah Palin.
dude walked into the Turkish consulate and surrendered his citizenship and went all in with a country that *checks notes* oh wow that was probably a mistake
I guess my post should have read “prefer Papa John’s pizza to a local place or a local chain” yeah Dominos, Pizza Hut and Little Caesar’s are dogshit