Evren Seven

Nothing will change until the cops are held *personally* liable for their actions. First take whatever you can from the offending officer towards the $4M settlement, and the rest comes from the city. Let that happen once or twice and I guarantee you won’t see this type of behavior out of them anymore. They don’t

It may or may not be; but that’s going to be for a judge to decide. If I’m the t-shirt maker, of course I’m going to assert fair use. My point was that bringing up the First Amendment was not a non-sequitor; like it is, for example, when Milo bitches about protesters shouting him down or some commentator losing a

The First Amendment here is the defense; it’s not brought up by the C&D. Attorneys for the t-shirt company are asserting use of Grayson’s name, etc. as Constitutionally protected parody.

Here’s the analogy I’ve come up with: You’ve spent 7 years trying to hook up with this person, you’ve jacked off to their facebook photos 60 times (OCare repeal bills while O was in office), but when the opportunity came up and they wanted to hook up, you couldn’t decide if you wanted to tie them up and dominate

Well at least he didn’t rub his flaccid penis against a woman; that would have been completely absurd.

Hillbilly Anna Wintour

Dude she says she goes every day, let’s say 6 days a week X $34/class is $204/ week. That’s over $10k/ year. Put that much in a Roth IRA (although they’re clearly making too much) at 5% you’re looking at an extra mil when you retire.

Oh god did they talk about their start-ups afterwards?? While juicing?

How much is Gawker media paying bloggers that they can even afford this? Maybe back off the $300-400K/ year salary (what I assume it must be, to afford to live in NYC and SoulCycle every day) and they can save Gizmodo instead.

so they gave permission for Steven Colbert to mock them on their own convention floor? Either they thought he would say something non-demeaning re: Trump and/or Pence, so they’re stupid, or they let him slip up there with a live mic, so they’re incompetent. Nothing looks good here for the ol’ GOP.

Just got off the phone: the joint chiefs of staff (I think that’s what it translates to) are on turkish television announcing they have seized power. Many people on the ground believe this may be a ploy by the ruling party to consolidate power.

There is absolutely no chance that this is the real campaign logo right???

But what will fill our hollow empty lives if not irrational support for our favorite sportsball teams?

Houston resident here. If there’s anyone that will fall for this, it’s Texans.

Maybe Schumer needs to have a sit down chat with Dane Cook, see how his career has been going lately. Or Dice...

Who are these people??? What is this??

Jackie is a troubled young woman who told a lie. That lie would have died under any amount of scrutiny, and it would have never made it past the borders of UVA. That author, however, did immeasurable damage to journalism in general, and more specifically to women who have face sexual assault and are now too scared to

To be clear, “she” being the author of the article, not Jackie, correct?

it gets so much worse. YEARS ago, there was a website called babyphotoretouch.com. I don’t believe it’s active now; in any event I’m not going to check. In the infancy (pardon the pun, but it was awesome) of digital photo retouching, this service would (gulp) retouch photos of stillborn babies into looking lifelike,

I’m a sucker for fit brunettes with boots over tight jeans... AND she doesn’t want kids...