Evren Seven

Oh god did they talk about their start-ups afterwards?? While juicing?

How much is Gawker media paying bloggers that they can even afford this? Maybe back off the $300-400K/ year salary (what I assume it must be, to afford to live in NYC and SoulCycle every day) and they can save Gizmodo instead.

Everyone gets a pony.

What else do affluent white people talk about? Anti-vaxx, is my $75/ month Wi-Fi hurting Hunter, Ethan and Brooklyn? Is anyone surprised that the Venn diagram of Bernie-or-busters, affluent suburbanites and anti-vaxx/GMO/electromagnetism substantially overlap?

Can we send all three of them to Syria so they can see what real problems look like?

so they gave permission for Steven Colbert to mock them on their own convention floor? Either they thought he would say something non-demeaning re: Trump and/or Pence, so they’re stupid, or they let him slip up there with a live mic, so they’re incompetent. Nothing looks good here for the ol’ GOP.

Just got off the phone: the joint chiefs of staff (I think that’s what it translates to) are on turkish television announcing they have seized power. Many people on the ground believe this may be a ploy by the ruling party to consolidate power.

There is absolutely no chance that this is the real campaign logo right???

Only question now is how many hundred million dollars her next venture raises since she’s officially a club member?

But what will fill our hollow empty lives if not irrational support for our favorite sportsball teams?

Yes; the quid-pro-quo for your 20 year monopoly on that formula is that you must tell the world, in the form of a published patent, the meat and potatoes of your invention. That way, others see it, are inspired to improve upon it, and we have progress. And regarding hiring a chemist to “make” the chemical in question

We had another person, not nearly as imaginative, who claimed their direct ancestor invented porcelain, and wanted to know if they could get any royalties. That was more straightforward, the person was simply misinformed.

As an attorney you have a duty to your clients, no matter what you might think of them. The person deserved as complete an answer as I was able to provide; that the US Patent Laws (at the time) only granted patents to *inventors,* and by their own admission they were not an inventor since they only saw the formula,

“Okay so this thing doesn’t even look like an iPhone besides the fact that it’s rectangular and has a screen.”

Patent Examiner/ former Patent Attorney here: One day back at the firm, my managing partner called me into his office to let him know that someone had called him about filing a patent. This person had (sigh) been on a “vision quest” with a shaman, and taken hallucinogens which (sigh) caused him to travel forward in

Houston resident here. If there’s anyone that will fall for this, it’s Texans.

Please just crash into earth and end all this. Is it big enough?

This would actually be awesome for disc golf bags.

Maybe Schumer needs to have a sit down chat with Dane Cook, see how his career has been going lately. Or Dice...

Who are these people??? What is this??