Fucking this. “We’re being edgy” is understandable (if dumb); but instead of leading with that they got defensive. Either they’re dodgy, or they’re fucking immature.
Fucking this. “We’re being edgy” is understandable (if dumb); but instead of leading with that they got defensive. Either they’re dodgy, or they’re fucking immature.
Ah yes, the classic fine line between “Are we white surpremacists?” and “Should we take white supremacists money?”
Exactly, and at the very least it makes me think they’re horrible people completely ignorant to modern day problems with Nazi sympathisers, never mind the historical implications.
I can’t really buy their excuse since there’s no obvious Nazi symbols in the game. If the iron cross, Nazi swastika, and a Hitler mustache were included, then maybe. But picking symbols that many people are unfamiliar with means they were trying to slip them in under the radar. That says that they knew exactly what…
So, these symbols exist to slip by people. You might not share their sentiments, but putting them in your product only furthers the neo-nazi cause. It’s almost better just to use a swastika if you're going for a "this guy is a scumbag" explanation.
My IGN id was Basilisk88. Because I was into mythical creatures as a kid, and 8 has always been my favourite number.
From a game and story perspective, it makes sense. It’s a game where death row inmates murder each other on live television. That demographic has a fuck ton of neo nazis in it. So having neo nazi characters in this game makes as much sense as having them in Battlefield or wolfenstein.
And if that was the argument…
yeah having a paid DLC being part of getting the “tattoo” is pretty damning imho
I’ll accept that argument if they have MS13, Mexican Mafia, VL etc. tattoos available. I don’t have the game, but I’ll wager they don’t.
“only offending thing here, in my opinion, is calling us Nazi supporters for no reason.”
If having neo-Nazi prison gangs was just part of the background noise... I dunno, it’s playing with fire. You have to go full Wolfenstein if you don’t want there to be any confusion about your intent.
That’s a good and valid reason for the inclusion of the texture, but I think the modern context, as well as the game’s nature as a product for purchase, make it much, much iffier. At some point, the price of realism is going to have to weighed against the cost of association with groups that still use the symbol for…
If this were any other point in history, I’d agree with it being gross but ultimately understandable in terms of having a vision for your game, and doing what you can to create a character as irredeemably shitty as possible for the sake of conveying the intended experience.
1) It appears to be an open-world survival game, not a prison survival game. Dunno about you, but I’ve never seen a Nazi in the wild.
2) Doesn’t matter what kind of game it is, if you put Nazi or white nationalist imagery in your online video game as accessories people can choose from for their character, large…
Yeah, “Oh we just googled ‘prison tattoo’ and didn’t know the meaning,” would have been dumb but kind of understandable.
When WW2 games don’t include Nazi symbols, why would anyone think it’s ok to put them in literally any other game? Either the Gamespires/Croteam creative teams employ actual Nazis, or they’re just incredibly ignorant.
At first I assumed the tattoo was for atmosphere and aesthetic, but the moment I read that money was involved in getting the tattoo and seeing the devs initial response... Really not cool. Devolver is gonna be keeping a real short leash on these guys now.
Before I used to use the number 88 in user names. The reason why is because I was born in 1988. Now I cant use this anymore. Thanks neo nazi’s fucking with my birth year.
Seriously... if someone ever goes “hey, you know, neo-Nazis use that imagery” and your FIRST response is “pfft OK so what get over it” that IMMEDIATELY is going to make everyone think you’re a Nazi. They’ve gotta be smart enough to figure that out.
It’s one of those things like the swastika itself, tainted by association.