evolution toe

And dismissive comments on the internet are for people frustrated by how little the rest of the world cares about their opinion.

That and the Daniels' trash can joke has me believing Alston is the O'Neal heir apparent.

"Thee Oh Sees have a new album coming out because they are the best"

Going into it the only thing that concerned me, especially after hearing some of the casting rumors, was an over-reliance on shoe-horned BB cameos taking me out of the story. Given the shows pedigree I should have known better. So far it's super fun and the winks to BB straight up charming.

Can we officially change the McDonalds stories thread to the tripping at work thread? It's more heroic and less nauseating.

"Hmm, I loved Cloud Atlas but my sister seemed to really dislike it. Perhaps we'll have a spirited discussion about the films finer points once we're done having sex."

I get that it's a divisive movie and subjectivity and all that, but even if I didn't get an emotional charge out of any of the stories (which I definitely did), I'd admire it for craft and vision alone. There's very few filmmakers who could approach something of that scope without it dissolving into a schizophrenic

Speed Racer is probably the most fun I will ever have in a movie theater, non-comedy division.

In your daily, real-life do you walk around yelling at, like, toasters and birds and stop signs and stuff? You've got that vibe down pat.

George RR Martin's The Fishes of Chips

My question is: how'd you know where the fold was going to be? That's like AP commenting.

I would recommend, if you can stomach it, finishing out the series and then seeing how you feel. I definitely approached the whole Serial phenomenon very skeptically. I've always found true crime shows like Dateline and 48 Hours a little too ghoulish and was on the lookout for any manipulative shenanigans. Instead I

I was going to say, just because somebody disagrees with your interpretation of things doesn't mean you have to be a condescending dick.

I don't listen to TAL, and therefore didn't hear any of these supposed promos. My impressions are strictly based on what was presented on the show. Which i felt was even-handed, low-key and not sensationalistic. Nonetheless, I'm going to guess (and here's me doing my own sleuthlike, conclusion jumping) you and I hear

No, you're misrepresenting the entire tone of the show. It was, from the start and throughout the entirety of its run until the last word, approach the facts we've been presented with an open mind and see where you're instincts and skepticisms take you. Not "Hey Junior Sleuth! It's time to get your magnifying glass

What a crunch-ry!

I've never had a show make me feel the way that season 3 of The Eric Andre Show makes me feel. It's like the part of my brain that determines and appreciates comedy is finding new doors to unlock every week. That might not make sense, but it's the closest I can come to describing the enjoyment it brings me. Kraft Punk

They explode when dropped into a bottle of diet coke?

YLT is incapable of disappointing me. More comforting than my couch, nostalgia or my favorite sweater. My favorite Autumn Sweater (I hate myself). Just imagining Deeper Into Movies, Pass the Hatchet…or Big Day Coming reprise playing when I walk into a social situation makes me feel 70% cooler.

Bad season of Justified = Just fine season of television.