Time to download it, play it four an hour, get frustrated and then never play it again.
I hate fucking pieces of shit who throw contempt at people for making an honest error. Are you the perfect example of human perfection? He screwed up. He’s clearly sorry. Get bent.
well cheating has less to do with the other person and lack of respect for that person and more about the person cheating. generally the desire to feel wanted. not defending his behavior, just saying the reasons for it are more nuanced than just “he doesn’t respect his wife”
It’s what infuriated me about Andromeda more than anything, and the main part of what pissed me off about the ending of 3. They both, in their own, awful way, destroyed one of the most realized sci-fi universes to ever grace any piece of media.
My favorite gaming “world” is a galaxy - Mass Effect. I felt like that series brought together the best parts of Star Wars, Star Trek, and Battlestar Gallactica into one perfect dish.
At the end of the day, this is Gazillion’s fault because it made a mediocre game and was terribly managed. And Disney finally decided they didn’t want to be part of that. I certainly feel bad for the devs involved, but they’re always at the mercy of management. Gazillion should have had other sources of revenue, like…
It’s not about you, or anybody, feeling “hampered” by the loot box economy. It’s about what that economy represents, and the ever more abusive heights to which it’s being taken.
Key word being now, I will always remember EA for their slimy as fuck move with PvZ2, it started good but as time went on they keep releasing level where you can’t progress without using some paid-only plant
Get fucked.
You’re the one unable to let go of the fact that people are justifiably pissed at EA for their predatory and shady bussiness practices.
I can read just fine, dude. Just like how I easily read between the lines and saw you for the EA apologist you clearly are. You seem very okay with this gambling shit and are so ready to defend it and accuse people who dislike it of not knowing how to read. It’s cute, really, how much you love your corporate overlords…
Oh I get it, you’re an EA executive. That’s why you’re so hostile towards people that are justifiably angry with EA and cynical about what they’ll do in the future. Now it makes total sense why you’re a complete ass hole.
What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.
I hope for the ff7 remake they dont try to fit him into the story.
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, loot boxes like BF2's are a predatory affair. On the other, I also paid full price for Overwatch and it tries to sell me stuff as well.
How can the loot boxes not be a turn off when they ARE the progression system, which you don’t like?
This right here is my exact issue with this stupid game. Everything about it is awesome from the class play balance to the huge maps and the mountain of content. It is finally a dream star wars multiplayer game and they’ve boned it with a f2p p2w loot crate model in a full priced game.
EA, why you gotta do this, man. This game is fun. The bones of it are great. The shooting mechanics are on point. It’s fucking gorgeous. It absolutely nails the Star Wars feel and atmosphere. It’s packed with content. It’s vastly improved over the first one. You’ve got everything you need to make this a fantastic…