
I am with you there. My naive. I always thought they were amateurs hoping for a break.

I didn't realize Jim had insecurities until Nigel kept pounding it into him…looking for a way to eliminate him to leave room for Gaby. Jim came to the show from the Houston Ballet Company, don't think he was insecure.

Yep, he just didn't want to show preference for a style.

Agree. I wanted Virgil or Hailee to win after Jim and Edson (?) left. I am bored with the street dancing, but Virgil was excellent at everything else. I think Hailee expected to win, maybe that's why she didn't.

I agree as far as Jim, but Jaja was, while a good actor, not quite there with the body involvement in stage dancing.

I think she won because she danced the other styles well, much better than Jaja.

I think the support comes when they dance other styles and do it well.

It could have worked if they just hadn't shown his face or had him speak.

You are overthinking it.

You didn't know?…

Love your name, have always thought it was that way.

I think Emma will simply die from the CF.

I've always thought Norma did her greatest damage to Norman when she pulled him out of the car at school and yelled at him in front of the other students. He is 18 after all. I think that put him over his edge, where he already resided. Perhaps Norman will commit violence against Norma before killing her in an

Sam Elliot is definitely ok!

I can picture Ava taking down Boyd.

Whew! Great to read someone else not see the Twin Peaks similarities. Other than some of the set lighting, the outdoor scenes resembling the Northwest, there are no reminders of Twin Peaks to be seen.
Twin Peaks was about mystery and whimsy.
This show, while I like it a great deal, is nothing like Twin Peaks.