In the US the government can already, and regularly does, steal property from citizens every year via asset forfeiture.
In the US the government can already, and regularly does, steal property from citizens every year via asset forfeiture.
So dude has at least one ex they’re embarrassed to have ever dated.
Yeah, I can’t bring myself to actually watch his video, but it sounds somewhat introspective and probing, baby steps to becoming a fully formed human being. Better late than never?
I would watch a series that involved a bunch of pro drivers in base model CRVs and Rogues driving a road course in a full-contact deathmatch type setup. That would be significantly more interesting than anything Nascar has done in the past several decades.
He qualifies for a conservatorship, right? Because Britney did a hell of a lot less and she wasn’t threatening nor violent.
Yes, Colin Hanks has a very successful acting career. He was in the first season of Fargo, and I know there’s some other sit com recently that he was one of the stars of. Tom even auditioned him and cast him in an episode of Band of Brothers.
Not a big deal but gasoline taxes are mostly diverted to other non-road expenses already. And damage to roads is primarily a result of temperature cycling, poor initial foundations, and heavy trucks. Making a small change to passenger vehicle weight won’t make a difference.
He’s definitely stalking but you’re right, I think public antipathy towards the Kardashian family partly explains a lot of the apathy towards it. But I think a big part of it is also Kanye’s looooong history of attention grabbing stunts and bullshit and no one takes him seriously anymore, like when he said he was…
EDIT: some quick Google shows - it’s complicated, but “the door swings both ways”
This is peak armchair quarterback. Great work!
You think flight attendants are trained in how to subdue a person that is attempting to turn a champagne bottle into a weapon? I mean, come on. Do I wish the guy could have been handled more... peacefully? Of course. But I also don’t blame a flight attendant doing what is necessary to keep themselves safe.
I just posted above: I once got tear-gassed for sitting in a park, protesting old growth forest logging. We didn’t cost billions of dollars in lost commerce. We weren’t demanding the heads of government officials. We weren’t even in the way or clogging up roads. Just sitting and standing with signs.
You are right. However, there is another issue with that.
Right with you on the, environmentalists or civil rights.
or BLACK people!
“some of those that burn crosses, are the same that work forces”
Petulant little children. And yes, it gets more and more ridiculous what they are being allowed to get away with.
Yep. Seems like a huge thing to leave out of the article.
The only important difference: tonic contains sugar, and calories. About the same level as a Coke.
*sigh* I can’t believe I clicked for this crap.