
Also for the record, I have worked at a homeless shelter, and a free clinic, I have seen people who live with nothing. While they might not have a place to call home, obtaining a photo ID is one of the easier things to do, especially if having one gives you the ability to receive government checks and receive medical

I'm saying find me someone eligible hat was DENIED the right to vote. Not inconvenienced, not ineligible, actually denied the right to vote because they were unable to get a valid photo ID. Your 3 "examples" were all flawed. example 1, was a German citizen, does she not have a photo ID? That's the topic, not

I really didn't want to sidetrack, but the Supreme court says we have the right to bear machine guns. The second amendment is all about killing machines, those that are designed to kill 2 legged enemy combatants. It was upheld in US v. Miller one of only 2 cases ever before the Supreme court and the other case

The government makes laws to regulate people all the time. The theory is that it will prevent crimes that are not discoverable or crimes that may be ripe for abuse. How exactly do they determine who committed voter fraud? I know people that claim to have voted multiple times in elections by simply going to a

How else do you prove you are legal to vote? You can't allow the poll workers to decide if you "look" old enough to not have a birth certificate. Again I ask how these elderly people function otherwise, where do they get money, how do they do other things in life. They have bank accounts and they live somewhere,

She was not denied the right to vote, she didn't fill out the proper paperwork like everyone else did. 34 States already have voter ID laws, where is the outrage in those states from all the people barred from voting?

By the way, choosing to vote or not choosing to vote is still a choice. The process does not REQUIRE everyone to vote.

ahh, pretty clear you are not a Dr. since you can't read and you immediately turn to obscenities when questioned.
i am still waiting for the media to bring forward ONE single example of someone eligible to vote, and who wants to vote who would be prevented from voting by a law requiring ID. Just one. We also don't

I have still yet to hear a journalist interview someone who is eligible to vote, and wants to vote, but would be prevented to vote by any type of ID requirement. Can someone please find one of these people. If they are that out of touch with society that they can't cash a check, or buy alcohol, or drive a car, or