Evil Veggie

The Brazilian team is unimpressed. They had way more boners than that.

What the hell is it with the military/pseudo-military and no stalls, anyway?

Harmony Church, Fort Benning Georgia, summer of '84. Had a fellow basic trainee end up in the hospital because he hadn't shit for a week because the toilets were six inches apart and open and he would look aghast at ten of us just sitting there chatting while taking a post-breakfast shit together.

Weirdo. +1

This just reinforces what I've always said about Brett Favre not belonging in the Hall of Fame.

A ring is a ring, AMITRITESMEAGOL???

There's gotta be a better term for this than "footage".

Adam Silver is a good fucking commissioner. When was the last time we could say the Big 4 in sports had at least one good commissioner?

The rest of the gaming world laughs at this so-called "master race"...

That is the cleanest I've ever seen Pittsburgh.

wait a minute, I've seen this one before...

Why do people insist on doing completely idiotic things such as watching a scoreless Jets v. Bills game?

Soccer: The only hipster approved sport in America.

Kinda looks like a puffy vagina.

Teams trolling their opponent's fans in the heart of the opposing city? More please.

Pictured - The only person ever to be excited at an Astros game.
