Or Kingdom of Loathing.
Or Kingdom of Loathing.
These are the Sharks we're talking about right? President's Trophy winners and out in the first round of the playoffs Sharks, right?
Are you telling me you didn't appreciate the sock clothesline exhibit?! Such intricacy and creativity!
It will also be a constant PR battle since people are terrified of what they don't understand...and nobody understands nuclear fusion
I don't normally do this, but YAY, SCIENCE! Limitless cheap energy would solve so many, many problems.
Only assholes try to talk at urinals, so yes, it is quite common
I'd be willing to wager Wayne's wife was involved.
he's done better than that before...
Not impressed.
Fucking awesome. Bissonnette just blew up the bridge that housed the troll, while simultaneously giving a public service announcement about an evil fraud.
I agree. I have son who has pretty bad spatial awareness and isnt that coordinated and whenever I see low railings at a height like this I feel sick.
1.21 gigawatts.
Practicality aside, let's point out how accurate that was. Dropping that much water from above at speed without getting a drop on that guy's phone or the road block down the road. Impressive. That pilot (like many) has some serious skill.