Suddenly, without forwarning, movie producer Jon Peters gets a massive boner for inexplicable reasons.
Suddenly, without forwarning, movie producer Jon Peters gets a massive boner for inexplicable reasons.
Okay, so I know that this is gonna be horribly redundant to say, but everyone got that The Mist feeling when the giant spider monster came up, right?
I am assuming your referring to your friend and fellow menace of New York City, Daredevil?
Her jump-catch was a really good capper for the show.
I got the polar opposite opinion of them, first had a big impact on what I felt the medium can do, as well having Infinite as my GOTY (you can say I'm an "Irrational" fan). But hey you won't get no hate from me for having a differing opinion.
Understand if they don't grab you. My friends tell me to watch Archer, but few episodes in and it doesn't get a hold of me.
Never liked them?
Awwwwwww Yeah Samurai Jack is back SON!
I've felt that since the Back to the Moon episode when they showed Pink Diamond's mural, with only Earth and the Moon being in her grasp, that the way Gems expand is similar to ants or bees. Basically, when a Diamond reaches a certain limit in her piece of governing the empire, they create a new Diamond to help expend…
Nope! And I can't wait to see how she reacts to it.
Is it weird that “technically” all those Rose Quartzes are Steven’s Aunts.
During take off, The Bird Mom flips Holly the Bird.
"I've been waiting to do this all day."
“Then there’s still time.”
I gleamed that exact thought when she pulled down the poor Ame from her cubbie.
Also why do Gems speak english?
And you may tell yourself.
Man, it would have been great to see Andy coming along for the heist. Ending up in the Zoo would be his own personal hell.
Note to self: Never look at the comments for the Lauren Zuke page on the SU wiki. Jeeeeesus H. Christ what cesspit of dumbasses. Many with the same type of comments as the alt-right. Detestable, but I shouldn't be surprised considering those same kind of veins run through the similar fandoms like My Little Pony.