
All depends on the vehicle. I bought a Land Cruiser with over 300 km and a Volvo around 240 km (I think). Would I buy a GM product with that mileage? No.

Why is is that they always think the gay guys will be hitting on them? You're not exactly chasing women away Bob, I doubt "the gays" are going to be hurling themselves at you...

Can’t imagine why the dad would be slightly aggressive. I know if I saw three “people” assaulting my son with a weapon I would be the picture of calm. Just glad neither of these guys got shot. These “cops” aren’t qualified to run security at a food court.

Or Civil War. I know which seems more likely....

Have to try and read the article through the ads. Hope you aren’t on mobile....

For those that can’t locate washing soda (sodium carbonate) you can make it by throwing some baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into the oven at 350 F for a couple of hours. Do be careful with the stuff though.

His argument was good if he stopped at "when rules are wrong you fight them". Invoking a comparison to the civil rights movement loses a part of the argument.

I mean not really. Thermodynamics is a tough thing to overcome. Assuming you don't want use fossil fuels to manufacture your hydrogen , electrolysis is the next option. Splitting water is energetically expensive as hell.

How manly can you be if you’re threatened by wearing a dress?

It's almost like Copyright laws are a bit busted

I can see it being a funny stand-up bit but this seems like to much effort or something. It lands as more of a “but why?” for me.

Anytime you are grouping that many people the results are in accurate. The "Black" vote, "Hispanic" vote, etc. fall into the same problem. It's convenient as a generalization but that's about it.

The air density has been set to 1,205 kg/m3 (which is found at 20°C at sea level).”

That's only trademarks where it has to be defended. Copyright can be enforced as sporadically as the holder desires.

Buddy had a '73 Caprice in highschool. It was like riding a couch down the highway. Glorious.

I think this is still different though. Someone brought up the idea up selling the “tattoo sleeves”, in which case I would agree somewhat with you that the artist should be compensated in that case as you are expressly selling the “art”. In this case they are selling the “likeness” not expressly the art. I don’t think

In the case of the things you mentioned they are dealing with the rights holder. I think the crux of this argument is who owns the rights to the tattoo. For nearly all tattoos, the artist was paid for their time and effort at a price agreed upon by both parties. If I commission a painting and turn around and sell it,

Wedding photos are different. You sign a contract stating the rules of use prior to having them taken

Reliable vehicle’s make for boring writing.

Both have round headlights.