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    I just got an email notification of your reply and I'm angry all over again :-)

    I tell you why I don't give Carter credit. It's precisely cos of issues like Mulder's abduction. Carter NEVER had a "show bible" - he never had any solid record of what the show had done to each character. That's why Mulder's abduction and legal death was never mentioned again - Carter often simply forgets what has

    The sad thing is, I agree with you but not in a positive way. They never made a choice that fit with the story, the mythology, the characters etc.. They just said "oh we need some new drama - LET'S MAKE SCULLY PREGNANT!" - and yet they did it through the usual lens of absolutely hating motherhood and women's bodies:

    I never knew until reading the brilliant discussions here about season 10: Carter didn't have a show bible. It kind of explains so much. I don't know about you, but it makes me so sad - still, all these years later - that Carter and his fellow producers allowed such a beautiful, complex story to become something so

    I'm sorry :-) I explained it to someone earlier by saying "how can you write drama around the fact that aliens came to earth billions of years ago and left ships underground which directed all stages of evolution so that humans would be ready eventually to become hosts for the returning aliens? With power that great,

    There's real irony there isn't there, given that for the first time the story was about the actual end of humanity, rather than "the date is set for some future event" stuff.

    In a way, the fact that it wasn't written is what makes it better. We just have to assume a load of stuff happened off-camera.

    And remember, he IS CSM's son. It was definitively established and added to stories from season 7 onwards.

    a 6-year-on "you made me laugh out loud" for you there.

    No DaMac you've got that wrong man. "Radical Islamic terrorism" is not a real and consistent threat. It just isn't. Aside from the fact that things that white people do - such as commit mass shootings - are only called terrorism when a Muslim does it (same has just happened in the UK - if a Muslim kills one official,

    And worse, the best episode wasn't even written for The X-Files - if you're talking about the Were Monster episode, it was written years ago for the reboot of Kolchak - The Night Stalker. That doesn't make it bad, but it does show that even an old story written for a different show was better than anything Carter did

    As soon as I saw Scully morphing into an alien, I felt like it was gonna be awful. In that sense, it met my expectations *sigh*

    It's hard when you post late isn't it - I was unable to Irish few episodes til a week later, so I was posting in the dark.

    Yep I sort of agree with you, although I'm finding myself retconning my own opinion because of what Carter has said about not even writing the story of the finale til he was almost ready to shoot it. That can't be a new thing - he can't have suddenly become lazy.

    You're not talking into darkness here, I'm still listening :-)

    That's exactly how I view your posts: it's completely ok to completely disagree because we are both coming at it from a deep deep love of the show and what Carter created (and in many cases, produced himself)

    I'd been prepared to accept that the X-Files department was re-opened behind the scenes, and that they had all the necessary retraining after that.

    And porn! Didn't boxes of porn fall over when Morris Fletcher opened the bedroom door?

    I hope it wasn't cos Duchovny said something. I want her to be paid equally cos it's the right thing to do, not cos a man asked another man.

    I sort of accepted Scully going back to the FBI. OK, in the last film, she spoke passionately about not wanting that kind of darkness in their lives anymore, but the way I figured it was: once Mulder showed the kind of passion for getting back to his work, once it looked like, Abbey Road style, they could go back and