No, not middle school.
I'd like to see less appetizers and more main dishes. But I'm not against it. I know there are a lot of people who still like Mario games (even when it's the same stuff time after time) yeah I know!
Ok, to each their own.
Better use protection next time!
Hey! What about Daisy?
what about "PronPronPron"???
Give this man a trophy, a sandwich or something and effin' kill the lights, with this bomb it's all over.
So is it going to e like games for ps3 and Xox 360 that were ported for PS2? Tht's wht you're saying? you'll be grabbing the ps2 ports?
I think that's part of the problem. Releasing a new system, with new specs, even a new gaming experience ut keeping the same game ideas, Of course we are going to see a couple of Mario Somethings, a Legend of Zelda, and yes, even Call of duty or games with toys a la skylanders standing proud on the tablet. Where is…
Ok, you're asking for HD crappy looking games to play online.
wasn't it just a projection just like those you can do with a light source, an object and some black backdrop?
Boy! I'm doing just that!
That's the spirit!