Lucky You!
Lucky You!
I'm expecting to see this in Mexico too!
Yeah, I'm on the same boat. I preodered the Collector's Edition, but I want to play it on my laptop. Yhis will do.
Real machos drink Cerveza Chango.
Gotta get it when I'm home!
Go for Ace Combat. Really. NeverDead is crap. Well, you may have some fun the first minutes and maybe you will try some combos or attacks using limbs, but it gets old really soon. Ace combat is full of action and so much variety. I'd go with that.
Where is my Grand Theft Auto-like game? Maybe a Grand Theft Speeder game featuring a Tusken frollicking in an open world doing missions, raping Anakin's Mom and bitch-slapping Jawas for minigames.
Oh my God! I tottally recall the "Godly Plates of the Whale", the "Grandfather Swords" and "Obsidian Rings of the Zodiac" that was awesome. Thanks for bringin' those memories. My inventory full of ears is pleased.
This MUST be censored! I couldn't play this alone in my house without being frown upon, or worse!
How about a nice card (email) and a gift card?
Wow, it's a nice track.
Whoah!! Thanks for this!
Yeah this animation looks simply awesome!
I'm not a Castlevania Fan, I've played 1,2, Super and SotN, and even me,come on! I for sure know that game is an effin' masterpiece. this guy knows nothing about games.
Hmmm looks like Kotonoha Katsura but not sure.
Hey! What's this pic from? Is it Sawako?
I still think this should be free for the Limited Edition since it's a couple maps.