
@Maritan: Well, it's kind of hard since you can MOD a lot of games in PC, and sometimes Add-ons are free for PC, well, that's my experience, obviously now we're talking about Activision and Modern Warfare 2... damn! now I'm serious! ...and sad, and frustrated... any stimulus for me?

@geiko: maybe because you can watch it later, in these days you can find those on you tube, you can download it, TiVO-it, or some of us just don't like the World Cup after all.

Don't forget my splitscreen guys!

@rainofwalrus: every hater in this thread will be playing it, bought, or rented.

@bflanagh: Seconded and day one purchase, bring the racing games when they were fun, had beautiful cars, action and not the let's try to be the all racing and car stuff.

@yodaddy: how much was forza? how much was Gran Turismo 4? How much was Burnout 1, 2, 3 et al?

@Ehardergardens: You know that's the reason for this reschedule, right? because of the Yugo, the pinto and the Back to the future DeLorean and flying skateboard. The question will be, how much do we have to wait for the DLC? I better start making some babies so they can live the prophecy of GT DLC's Batmobile, a VW

@agreeable_panda: But MAYBE, just maybe we could get a PS2 God of War PSP Collection, or something!

ok, way to go for the online, high on hypnocil crowd out there!!!

I think I hate how Keiji is written backwards in the front of the jacket, but I guess that's a perk... Yeah, I want one, but the Keiji part... It bothers me.

@dracosummoner: Instant Drumroll here, pleeze. Or at least Instant Bazzinga!

Is that waggle proof? I bet that get more shakes than a wiimote.

@bluebottle: again... we can dream, but we know that PS3 will never see the next portal, not even the EA version, or whatever version.