
"NOTICE ME SENPAI!" is all I can think while I look at it.

The Room 2 is a great game, but WAY too short. I went through it in a couple of hours.

Cycling! Whether you're on a road bike or a mountain bike. I started riding a mountain bike to and from work. It was 12 miles each way. The only problem, I hadn't rode a bike in 12 years. I had to go from nothing, to 24 miles a day, at 270 lbs and 30 years old. It was a bad idea diving in that hard from the start,

Google Voice let's you do that. Add the number to. Your block list on your phone, and set Google voice as your default voice mail. As soon as you've added that number to your phones block list, add them to your Google Voice block list too. It gives them that error message.

Wait... Is that Edward Snowden?

I just recently started using my tablet again. I've started reading a ton of ebooks, and use epub files and the Play Books app to switch between tablet and phone, depending on where I'm at.

So I could buy 3 or 4 of these for the price of a Jambox or Pill and have some serious sound. Nice.

When I was taking it, the instructor hadn't given it a proper name. Now it probably falls under MMA, but more defensive. It was a mix of Aikido, Jiu Jutsu and traditional Okanawan Karate

People tend to stand gun side facing away huh? That explains why the cop that pulled me over was so fixated on why I stood the way I did. I took a few years of martial arts and tend to stand with my strong side facing people. The officer could easily read that as my having a gun on the other side.

That Bluetooth adapter is a generic model that gets rebranded by a few hundred companies, Best Buy included. So far, I've had the same crappy issues with three different "brands", that's where your waking problem is. It's really finicky about certain things.

No mention of Wunderground? It's saved me many times with its inclusion of crowdsourced information.

Eh. I only said it sucks because it's on a system I will never own. If I knew someone with a Wii-U, I'd play the crap out of it at their place for a day or something, but I can't buy a console just for one or two games.

Looks to me like something on the back window of a pickup truck, one that would have a gun rack on the opposite side of that window.

Oh. Well that sucks.

Okay... I've never played Bayonetta. So why the hell is she cosplaying as StarFox?

I've tried to use chopsticks. I managed to get the general form, but after about 5 minutes, my hands start screaming at me and cramping. So if I ever make it to Japan for a vacation, I'll be using the training sticks or a fork.

Oh wow, much faster than the main link. I'll be sharing this for the next 5 hours or so to help.

I bet it saves a bit on battery. Not a ton, but a little/

I never would have thought that there was a problem with this. Do you guys swing your doors open like this guy?