
Or maybe, just MAYBE, he actually is at fault here? There isn’t much to go on, and chat messages uncovered during discovery directly confirm that unlike their sworn testimony, Sanderson and the only eyewitness (who knows him) were ABSOLUTELY aware that Paltrow was the other party in the crash at the time it happened.

Open your eyes people! The rendering algorithm has just pulled the veil off our eyes and shattered the grand illusion. The Illuminati’s place of power is a 600 story building that’s big enough for planes to land on and Buckingham Palace is an old apartment building, always has been.

Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

After listening to Conan and Andy (with Sona and Gourley of course) on CONAN O’BRIEN NEEDS A FRIEND yesterday morning and evening on my commutes and watching this last night, it was one of the best CONAN days I’ve ever had.

Anyone who’s a fan of live TV and talk shows should have loved this, late cancellation, weird


I love Sona. She’s hilarious on the podcast, and is the perfect straight woman for Conan. She’s like Stephanie/Smitty on Letterman, except without all the secret sex stuff.

It’s not really her fault; some idiot asked her about it. It’s not like she “chose to take this stance” by scheduling a press conference to announce she wouldn’t go. Someone interviewing her asked her a question, and she answered the question presented to her.

this is the worst take

Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!

I agree with you on almost every single one, but I will die on Nicolas Cage hill....

Right they don’t call him “Mad Max” for nothing, LOL.  They had a snarl contest in MD to win a chance to meet him.

He is a terrifying person

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:

Counterpoint: They’re okay, maybe even meh, and that’s what’s great about them.

Also cool is that he hit a two-run double to walk off the win, and:

Based on these two comments, you are on pace to make 730 petty comments this year.

I saw this on Baltimore news last night. Same headline, lawyering while black. I can’t wait to hear the excuses already in the making to explain how this wasn’t racial profiling (“when I stopped him, I smelled marijuana, so it seemed suspicious.” “His tail light was broken”, “we verify and double check every lawyer

Moving Psych to San Fran makes it so easy too. A Randy / Woody side plot though would have to be a necessity.

That seems a bit racist.